Archive for 12/4/11 - 12/11/11
Morocco: 7 people were burned in protests against oppression in 2011.
Friday 09/12/2011, the Moroccan authorities reported the death of Muhammed Suleiman street vendor Rushd hospital in Casablanca, having burned his own body to protest the heavy police oppression.
The Arab world has been at the limit of endurance, with respect to heavy repression that you receive from your government. Execute arbitrary laws and almost no convictions that the accused has the right to defense.
The example of Tunisia in January a street vendor had their goods taken by the security forces have seen no alternative to support her four children and wife. burned his body in front of the courthouse to protest the abuse of power and lack of government investment in economic leveling of the population.
Yesterday, the Moroccan authorities reported the death of Muhammed Suleiman street vendor Rushd hospital in Casablanca, having burned his own body to protest the heavy police oppression.
According to the "February 20 Movement", which represents the popular revolution of Morocco, the boy was selling smuggled gasoline (a common activity in the country), and he was pressured by police who threatened to take his goods if they pay a small "rate".
Another reference is the website "lakome" who said the boy found himself depressed and angry, threw gasoline on his body while arguing with police who threatened to confiscate petrol prohibited until fired.According to sources the young man died on Friday 09 December because of injuries, despite receiving medical attention, could not resist.
National crisis
According to the February 20th Movement, a grassroots movement of opposition to the current Moroccan regime, even after the last elections, which were also considered "a success", this is already the 7th incident in the country. All these desperate people, their bodies incinerated after not finding any more support in law or in society, or to consider that, through the police force, no one would care to hear their problems.
The average suicide has been between 20 and 32 years. Among these, there is a young, 20. While the population seeks to draw the attention of authorities for their needs, only the rich life and improve more and more people are living without rights. A crisis worsens and the apparent efforts to alleviate the suffering of the Moroccan people has not been sufficiently implemented, is what describes the "February 20 Movement." According to testimony from members of the movement, most of the suicides came as a result of heavy police repression and abuse of authority. There are cases like Kamal Amri, who was killed by the system, so that seemed to suicide by fire.
The list of martyrs courtesy Ratoune Mourad political activist of Moroccan popular organization "Youth Movement February 20":
Deaths by suicide
Article in portuguese:
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Movimento de 20 de Fevereiro - Marrocos - 20 حركة فبراير |
By Saulo Valley - Rio de Janeiro, December 10, 2011 - 14:23.
The Arab world has been at the limit of endurance, with respect to heavy repression that you receive from your government. Execute arbitrary laws and almost no convictions that the accused has the right to defense.
The example of Tunisia in January a street vendor had their goods taken by the security forces have seen no alternative to support her four children and wife. burned his body in front of the courthouse to protest the abuse of power and lack of government investment in economic leveling of the population.
Yesterday, the Moroccan authorities reported the death of Muhammed Suleiman street vendor Rushd hospital in Casablanca, having burned his own body to protest the heavy police oppression.
According to the "February 20 Movement", which represents the popular revolution of Morocco, the boy was selling smuggled gasoline (a common activity in the country), and he was pressured by police who threatened to take his goods if they pay a small "rate".
Another reference is the website "lakome" who said the boy found himself depressed and angry, threw gasoline on his body while arguing with police who threatened to confiscate petrol prohibited until fired.According to sources the young man died on Friday 09 December because of injuries, despite receiving medical attention, could not resist.
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"Not to forget our martyrs: the tomb of a martyr of the movement, Kamal al-Hassani, 20 de fevereiro" |
According to the February 20th Movement, a grassroots movement of opposition to the current Moroccan regime, even after the last elections, which were also considered "a success", this is already the 7th incident in the country. All these desperate people, their bodies incinerated after not finding any more support in law or in society, or to consider that, through the police force, no one would care to hear their problems.
The average suicide has been between 20 and 32 years. Among these, there is a young, 20. While the population seeks to draw the attention of authorities for their needs, only the rich life and improve more and more people are living without rights. A crisis worsens and the apparent efforts to alleviate the suffering of the Moroccan people has not been sufficiently implemented, is what describes the "February 20 Movement." According to testimony from members of the movement, most of the suicides came as a result of heavy police repression and abuse of authority. There are cases like Kamal Amri, who was killed by the system, so that seemed to suicide by fire.
The list of martyrs courtesy Ratoune Mourad political activist of Moroccan popular organization "Youth Movement February 20":
Deaths by suicide
- Nabil Jaffar, 19
- Judge Emad, 18
- Bnkaddor horse, 25
- Salmi beauty, 24
- Samir Albuazawa, 17
- Fadwa Laroui, 20
- Shayeb Karim, 21
- Kamal Al-Amari, 30
Killings by security forces.
- Alknona Hamid, 26
- Mohammed Bodroh
- Kamal al-Hassani, 28
Article in portuguese:
December 10, 2011
Posted by Unknown
Kurdistan: Amuda is talking... - كردستان : عامودا يتحدث...
Amuda - 09 of December of 2011 - 20:51
بمشاركة جماهيرية كبيرة خرج الآلاف من أهالي عامودا للمطالبة باسقاط ال في سورية في دولة لا مركزية علمانية وحق تقرير المصير للشعب الكردي في سوريا تعددية ديمقراطية , رفع فيها الافتات الداعمة للمجلس الوطني الكردي والمطالبة بالحرية للمعتلقين السياسيين وفي مقدتهم الاساتذة حسين عيسو ومجدل عوجي , كما رفعت لوحات تسخر من رأس النظام وتصريحاته المتضاربة الكاذبة وخرى تنادي بالفدرالية كنظام سياسي لسوري المستقبل , وكان من أبرز ما رفع مقولة لمارتن لوثر كينج" الحق المؤجل هو الحق الميت "خذا إلى جانب العلم القومي الكردستاني وعلم الاستقلال . شارك في هذه المظاهرة الاستاذ حسن صالح نائب سكرتير حزبنا يكيتي و الاستاذ ابراهيم برو عضو اللجنة السياسية للحزب
With the participation of large mass, thousands of people column of the claim by dropping two thousand Syria in a decentralized state secular and self-determination for the Kurdish people in Syria pluralistic democracy, raising the signage in support of the National Council of Kurdish and demanding freedom for Matgayn politicians in Mekdthm professors Hussein Esau and Majdal Auajja, and raised panels depicting the head of the regime and conflicting statements and other false calls for federalism as a political system of the future, a Syrian, who was a highlight of the lifting of the saying of Martin Luther King's "right delayed is a right to the Dead" Khma to the national flag of Kurdistan and the flag of independence. Participated in the demonstration, Mr. Hassan Saleh, deputy secretary of our party, and Mr. Ibrahim Yekiti Pro member of the Political Committee of the Party.
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Kurdstan protest by the federalization of the Kurd Town in Syria "Yekiti Media |
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Kurdstan protest by the federalization of the Kurd Town in Syria "Yekiti Media" |
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Suported by: "Saulo Valley Notícias" and "BlogHumans"
December 09, 2011
Posted by Unknown
December 06, 2011
Posted by Unknown
Posted by Unknown