Archive for 12/11/11 - 12/18/11
Syria: Friday - "The Arab League is killing us!" - 12/15/2011
Divided and insecure, the Arab League showed that more needs to evolve in the search for his true identity. His fame as a silent and confused already preceded it, but nobody was sure. Now the Arab League is trailing clear that it is unable to comply with the proposal that came: "To defend the interests and lives of Arab civil society."
On the brink of a military intervention, the Arab League came to a peaceful proposal. This proposal, whichwas actually a proposal that "passive", the United Nations did stand, since the Arab initiative was more appropriate than a western initiative, because soften the hearts of the Arab countries that supportedAl-Assad and restrictions were France, Britain, Italy and North America.
Arab Spring
The strategy used by most schemes "overthrown" by the Arab spring, has been to leave an infrastructure of the old government, the new government to rebuild on the foundations of the old Arabic form of government.
This is happening in Egypt now: 17/12/2011
Some Sign of Democracy? In fact, any country that wishes to have a democracy today, is expected to achieve on their own.
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"The Arab League's killing us" |
By Saulo Valley - Rio de Janeiro, December 17, 2011 - 20h20min.
The Arab League entered the Syrian crisis at the exact moment that the United Nations was ready for an air embargo. The draft resolution was in the European study and a similar package to the package of Libya was being prepared, in the style "Texan:" Break down the door into shooting and arrest the bad guys. "
Video: An unusual demonstration: Dissenters march through the fall of the regime in Deir Azour:
On the brink of a military intervention, the Arab League came to a peaceful proposal. This proposal, whichwas actually a proposal that "passive", the United Nations did stand, since the Arab initiative was more appropriate than a western initiative, because soften the hearts of the Arab countries that supportedAl-Assad and restrictions were France, Britain, Italy and North America.
The UN backed down and the audience were watching the negotiations, I then ask:
- How can you expect a Muslim leader condemns killings in an Arab country?
- How can you expect him to understand the jihad as "crimes against humanity," if your religion tells you that the martyrs have special place in heaven and reincarnate even more refined and more holy?
- How can you expect a King, Prince, a Sheik or Sultan go to sacrifice to protect a revolution against their own regime and system of government?
The strategy used by most schemes "overthrown" by the Arab spring, has been to leave an infrastructure of the old government, the new government to rebuild on the foundations of the old Arabic form of government.
This is happening in Egypt now: 17/12/2011
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Original Source in Portuguese: SÍRIA: SEXTA - "A LIGA ÁRABE ESTÁ NOS MATANDO!" - 15-12-2011
December 17, 2011
Posted by Unknown
Syria: Friday expectations: Tanks in the mosques and the Arab League.
The deaths continue at an increasing rate as it is expected that on Friday the Arab League to make a decision that serves the people of Syria, and not only the Syrian regime. While the United Nations are still studying the draft resolution prepared by Syria against Russia. HRW published report crimes against humanity from Syria to the ICC.
On Thursday (15) The Organization of the UN Human Rights issued a report listing all the evidence to support the Syrian regime and accused of crimes against humanity, a document submitted to the International Criminal Court. The document has 12 pages and can be downloaded in PDF in Arabic, a summary in Turkish or Russian.
The document entitled "Leadership and Responsibility of Individuals for Crimes Against Humanity in Syria."The document is detailed and describes activities for the High and command staff who commanded the crimes against the Syrian people, and their routine practices.
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Today the sixth day of prayers and mosques surrounded dawned by Shabihas, Soldiers and army tanks. "Snapshot" |
People are impatient. Alassad is collected while Syrian troops move through the country in huge convoys to be sieged cities or in small patrols to prevent protests.
By Saulo Valley - Rio de Janeiro, December 16, 2011 - 08:03.
The document entitled "Leadership and Responsibility of Individuals for Crimes Against Humanity in Syria."The document is detailed and describes activities for the High and command staff who commanded the crimes against the Syrian people, and their routine practices.
To make up the document, HRW had the testimony of 60 soldiers deserted the army and the Syrian intelligence. HRW (Human Rights Watch) said that based on the testimony of dissidents, can build a report to present the real culprits within the scope of the various military and intelligence chains of Syria. The Observatory highlighted seven main Syrian provinces, where most crimes concentrated: Damascus, Homs and shield and Idlib, Tartous, Hama and Deir Al-Zour. HRW said that based on statements that were taken individually, can reach a size on the degree of state responsibility for the crimes committed against the police, reporting directly to the treatment of officers with the soldiers. The report also shows that the military command was given direct orders to the crimes carried out to date around the country for military and security forces, including the use of lethal force against demonstrators, random arrests, beatings and torture of prisoners under sentence reaching for heavy punishment to death of the soldier who refuses to follow orders, or even their families.
This can be a big step to confirm that there is more to doubt and question about the crimes committed by the Syrian regime, led by President Bashar Al-Assad, but from now on everything can stay the same as or similar document produced by HRW to denounce the crimes of George W. Bush in September, nothing happened until today. It is believed that Bush will compete in the presidential elections soon, why he has embarked on the path of "good work."
This can be a big step to confirm that there is more to doubt and question about the crimes committed by the Syrian regime, led by President Bashar Al-Assad, but from now on everything can stay the same as or similar document produced by HRW to denounce the crimes of George W. Bush in September, nothing happened until today. It is believed that Bush will compete in the presidential elections soon, why he has embarked on the path of "good work."
December 16, 2011
Posted by Unknown
Síria: Sexta-feira de expectativas: Tanques nas mesquitas e Liga Árabe.
As mortes continuam em rítmo crescente enquanto espera-se que nesta sexta-feira a Liga Árabe tome uma decisão que atenda à população síria, e não somente ao regime sírio. Ao mesmo tempo que as Nações Unidas continuam estudando o projeto de resolução contra a Síria elaborado pela Rússia. HRW publicam relatório de crimes contra a humanidade da Síria para o TPI.
Nesta quinta (15) A Organização dos Direitos Humanos das Nações Unidas emitiu um relatório listando todas as evidências que comprovam e acusam o regime sírio de crimes contra a humanidade, documento este encaminhado ao Tribunal Penal Internacional. O documento possui 12 páginas e pode ser baixado em PDF em Árabe, uma Síntese em Turco ou em Russo.
O documento intitulado "Liderança e Responsabilidade dos Indivíduos por Crimes Contra a Humanidade na Síria." O documento é detalhado e descreve por atividade, os Alto-funcionários que comandavam e comandam os crimes contra a população síria, bem como suas práticas rotineiras.
Este pode ser um grande passo para confirmar que não há mais o que duvidar e discutir sobre os crimes cometidos pelo regime sírio, comandado pelo presidente Bashar Al-Assad, mas daqui pra frente tudo pode ficar da mesma forma que o similar documento produzido pela HRW para denunciar os crimes de George W. Bush em Setembro, nada aconteceu até hoje. Acredita-se que Bush disputará as eleições presidenciais em breve, motivo pelo qual ele tem enveredado pelo caminho da "boa ação."
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Hoje sexta dia de orações e as mesquitas amanheceram cercadas por Shabihas, Soldados e tanques do exército. "Snapshot" |
As pessoas estão impacientes. Alassad se encontra recolhido enquanto as tropas sírias se movem pelo país em gigantescos comboios parta sitiar cidades ou em pequenas patrulhas para impedir protestos.
Por Saulo Valley - Rio de Janeiro, 16 de Dezembro de 2011 - 08h03min.
O documento intitulado "Liderança e Responsabilidade dos Indivíduos por Crimes Contra a Humanidade na Síria." O documento é detalhado e descreve por atividade, os Alto-funcionários que comandavam e comandam os crimes contra a população síria, bem como suas práticas rotineiras.
Para a composição do documento, a HRW contou com o depoimento de 60 militares desertores do exército e da inteligência síria. A HRW (Observatório dos Direitos Humanos) disse que com base nos depoimentos dos dissidentes, pode construir um relatório destinado a apresentar os verdadeiros responsáveis dentro do âmbito militar e nas diversas cadeias de inteligência da Síria. O Observatório destacou 7 principais províncias sírias, aonde a maioria dos crimes se concentraram: Damasco, Homs e escudo e Idlib, Tartous, Hama e Deir Al-Zour. A HRW disse ainda que com base nos depoimentos que foram tomados individualmente, pode ser chegar a uma dimensão sobre o grau de responsabilidade do estado pelos crimes cometidos contra a polícia, relatando diretamente os tratamentos dos oficiais para com os soldados. O relatório comprova ainda que o comando militar recebeu ordens diretas para a prática dos crimes executados até hoje em todo o país por forças militares e de segurança, incluindo o uso de força letal contra manifestantes, prisões aleatórias, espancamentos e tortura de presos, sob pena de punição pesada podendo chegar à morte do militar que se recusa a cumprir as ordens, ou mesmo de seus familiares.
Este pode ser um grande passo para confirmar que não há mais o que duvidar e discutir sobre os crimes cometidos pelo regime sírio, comandado pelo presidente Bashar Al-Assad, mas daqui pra frente tudo pode ficar da mesma forma que o similar documento produzido pela HRW para denunciar os crimes de George W. Bush em Setembro, nada aconteceu até hoje. Acredita-se que Bush disputará as eleições presidenciais em breve, motivo pelo qual ele tem enveredado pelo caminho da "boa ação."
Posted by Unknown
Maroc: Clashes between studants and Security forces in Rabat University
Young students of Arts and Sciences, University of Moulay Ismail began a demonstration in opposition to the moroccan regime. Eyewitnesses said that security forces were called to prevent the peaceful rally occurring right now.
According to one witness, who can be cited for safety, who said the demonstrations were routine became a "great war" caused by clashes between students and security forces. So far one student and other students were arrested, but there is no exact information on the number of arrests. A witness sent a message by phone saying that the demonstrations had started. More information will be updated at the earliest opportunity.
A correction: The University is in Rabat, not in Meknès.
By Saulo Valley - Rio de Janeiro, December 15, 2011 - 21:33.
According to one witness, who can be cited for safety, who said the demonstrations were routine became a "great war" caused by clashes between students and security forces. So far one student and other students were arrested, but there is no exact information on the number of arrests. A witness sent a message by phone saying that the demonstrations had started. More information will be updated at the earliest opportunity.
A correction: The University is in Rabat, not in Meknès.
December 15, 2011
Posted by Unknown
Marrocos: Polícia fecha Universidade Moulay Ismail para interromper protestos. Houve prisão..
Jovens estudantes de Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de Moulay Ismail na cidade de Rabat, iniciaram uma demonstrações em oposição ao regime marroquino. Testemunhas oculares que disseram que as forças de segurança foram chamadas para impedir a manifestação pacífica que ocorre neste exato momento.
De acordo com uma testemunha, que não pode ser citada por questões de segurança, que disse que as manifestações que eram rotineiras se converteram em uma "grande guerra", causados por confrontos entre estudantes e as forças de segurança. Até agora uma estudante e outros alunos foram detidos, mas ainda não há informação do número exato de prisões. Uma testemunha enviou uma mensagem por celular dizendo que as manifestações haviam recomeçado. Maiores informações serão atualizadas na primeira oportunidade.
Por Saulo Valley - Rio de Janeiro, 15 de Dezembro de 2011 - 21h33min.
De acordo com uma testemunha, que não pode ser citada por questões de segurança, que disse que as manifestações que eram rotineiras se converteram em uma "grande guerra", causados por confrontos entre estudantes e as forças de segurança. Até agora uma estudante e outros alunos foram detidos, mas ainda não há informação do número exato de prisões. Uma testemunha enviou uma mensagem por celular dizendo que as manifestações haviam recomeçado. Maiores informações serão atualizadas na primeira oportunidade.
Posted by Unknown
In an attempt to save Al-Assad to show consistent or after almost nobody supports the dictator, Russiapresented its draft resolution against violence in Syria. According to various agencies, the Security Councilwas surprised!
Suspicious, but not hide the surprise - The AlArabiya citing Hillary Clinton as saying that "America is ready to work with Russia" and seemed very interested in studying the project. AFP also quoted as saying that HillaryClinton had told reporters: "We hope to be able to work with them."
The "theaustralian" stressed that France proved very receptive to the news. The source quoted the French ambassador at the United Nations as saying: "It's an extraordinary event." Agencies reported that the AFPwas able to get a copy of the document in its entirety, but after the "theaustralian" he said citing AFP:
Which also cited the UN envoy in France, Gerard Araud as saying to reporters:
The Arabic site "Elaph" said the French government had said that
Cortesia "United Nations" |
By Saulo Valley and Agencies - Rio de Janeiro, December 15, 2011 - 19:47.
Suspicious, but not hide the surprise - The AlArabiya citing Hillary Clinton as saying that "America is ready to work with Russia" and seemed very interested in studying the project. AFP also quoted as saying that HillaryClinton had told reporters: "We hope to be able to work with them."
The "theaustralian" stressed that France proved very receptive to the news. The source quoted the French ambassador at the United Nations as saying: "It's an extraordinary event." Agencies reported that the AFPwas able to get a copy of the document in its entirety, but after the "theaustralian" he said citing AFP:
"The project also raises the concern about" illegal supply of weapons to armed groups in Syria. "
Which also cited the UN envoy in France, Gerard Araud as saying to reporters:
"We think that is why Russia felt the pressure of international community"
The Arabic site "Elaph" said the French government had said that
"the text that was presented to us, of course, need a lot of adjustments because it is not balanced. But basically negotiate the text of it."
Posted by Unknown
COORDENAÇÃO: Rússia apresenta seu projeto de resolução contra violência na Síria.
Numa tentativa de salvar Al-Assad ou de se mostrar coerente depois que quase ninguém mais apóia o ditador, A Rússia apresentou seu projeto de resolução contra a violência na Síria. De acordo com várias agências, o Conselho de Segurança ficou surpreso!
Desconfiados, mas sem esconder a surpresa - A alarabiya citando Hillary Clinton que teria dito que a "América está pronta para trabalhar com a Rússia" e se mostrou bastante interessada em estudar o projeto. Também citou a AFP como dizendo que Hillary Clinton teria dita a jornalistas: "Esperamos ser capazes de trabalhar com eles."
O "theaustralian" destacou que a França se mostrou bastante receptiva à notícia. A fonte citou o embaixador francês nas Nações Unidas como dizendo: "É um evento extraordinário." As agências informaram que a AFP foi capaz de conseguir uma cópia do documento na íntegra, mas segundo o "theaustralian" citando a AFP que disse:
Cortesia "United Nations" |
Por Saulo Valley e Agências - Rio de Janeiro, 15 de Dezembro de 2011 - 19h47min.
Desconfiados, mas sem esconder a surpresa - A alarabiya citando Hillary Clinton que teria dito que a "América está pronta para trabalhar com a Rússia" e se mostrou bastante interessada em estudar o projeto. Também citou a AFP como dizendo que Hillary Clinton teria dita a jornalistas: "Esperamos ser capazes de trabalhar com eles."
O "theaustralian" destacou que a França se mostrou bastante receptiva à notícia. A fonte citou o embaixador francês nas Nações Unidas como dizendo: "É um evento extraordinário." As agências informaram que a AFP foi capaz de conseguir uma cópia do documento na íntegra, mas segundo o "theaustralian" citando a AFP que disse:
"O projecto também levanta a preocupação com "oferta ilegal de armas aos grupos armados na Síria."Que também citou o enviado da França na ONU, Gerard Araud, como tendo dito aos jornalistas:
"Nós pensamos que é porque a Rússia sentiu a pressão da comunidade internacional"
O site árabe "elaph" disse que o governo francês teria dito que
"o texto que foi apresentado para nós, é claro, precisa de um monte de ajustes, porque não é equilibrada. Mas, basicamente, negociaremos o texto dele."
Posted by Unknown
Syria: 10 months and civilian deaths, defections and fighting only increase.
Slight increase in the violence does not stop in Syria. If responsibility is not the president, then why these troops fight and kill in his name? Because tanks bring posters and signs with your picture? Becauseshouting his name and force people to kiss his image?
Declaring himself "god," Bashar al-Assad sent his troops across the country, seeking to forcibly recruitworshipers and ensure its altar within Damascus. His army came out as a bunch of lunatics with no emotionto destroy thousands of lives, without intermission and without returning home for the past 10 months that are completed today. On March 15, 2011, the first students were arrested and beaten by the Syrian Secret Service, Kenya found the description "People want to overthrow the regime, Bashar's your turn!" the wall of aschool in the Shield. So Shabihas were sent to the school and vandalized on the descriptions they wrotephrases of worship to Bashar Al-Assad:
If al-Assad as president has no share of guilt, as a public figure should have the dignity to stop the massacrecarried out in its name. But instead, shut up and chased and declared war against all who opposed theactions of their soldiers. They alone performed all who say "no" to Al-Assad. Even the smaller, weaker and more docile children escaped. Teenagers innocent, helpless, a mere high school students, transformed into mortal enemies.
But they did not surrender. Do not bowed. Do not kiss the picture of the president and were cruellymassacred by the battalion of hell, the worst of creatures service when existentes.Até remain?
How much longer will the international authorities to grant the Syrian soldiers, who are acting on their own,continue killing? If the President does not order the attacks, who is supplying tanks, armored vehicles andbuy all the ammo wasted in homes? Why does not prevent an entire battalions to leave the streets to destroyentire cities, towns, villages and all the country's heritage, including pipelines, houses and shops, government buildings, crops, vehicles, motorcycles, ambulances and hospitals, even dispatching helpprevent or even neighboring Arab countries?
Video next: Free Shabihas arrested by the army in testimony about his crimes.
By Saulo Valley - Rio de Janeiro, December 15, 2011 - 16:28.
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"Snapshot" |
But they did not surrender. Do not bowed. Do not kiss the picture of the president and were cruellymassacred by the battalion of hell, the worst of creatures service when existentes.Até remain?
How much longer will the international authorities to grant the Syrian soldiers, who are acting on their own,continue killing? If the President does not order the attacks, who is supplying tanks, armored vehicles andbuy all the ammo wasted in homes? Why does not prevent an entire battalions to leave the streets to destroyentire cities, towns, villages and all the country's heritage, including pipelines, houses and shops, government buildings, crops, vehicles, motorcycles, ambulances and hospitals, even dispatching helpprevent or even neighboring Arab countries?
Instead of "Shabihas," police in the country should be fighting crime, but where are the police got there 10 months holds no villain in Syria? The "Shabihas" are a large tribe that supports al-Assad. They are devoid of character and are not specialized in security, just to let you "rent" to do any dirty work, like the refugee campinvasion of the Syrians in Hatay, which resulted in the rape of 400 women of all ages, leaving 250 monstersof them pregnant. If you sell for any money. Information by Syrian sources who said they each received on average 420 Syrian pounds per week for beating, torturing and killing people of his own neighborhood. OtherSyrian sources, said many employers were persecuted, imprisoned and even tortured by stopping thesending of "contributions" to the salaries of Shabihas and "Cbihh." We were told that some fled the country.
* Continue to support this work. Today we are denouncing the persecution of Arabs, tomorrow we could behere trying to save his life. Thank you.
More high value of defeact today 15-12-2011
Posted by Unknown
Exército Livre diz ter matado 150 guerrilheiros na Escola Superior de Guerra em Homs.
A fonte garante que a informação é 100% confiável, que disse que a inteligência do Exército Livre descobriu que os alojamentos do prédio da Escola Superior de Guerra, na Academia Militar em Homs, estava sendo usado por Guerrilheiros para o pernoite, devido ao imenso número de soldados e mercenários sírios na cidade.
De acordo com o Exército Livre, citando um ativista libanês que garantiu a fidelidade da informação que um grupo operacional de 27 oficiais mergulharam na noite preparando armadilhas no prédio da Escola Superior de Guerra. Aproveitando que os guerrilheiros dormiam sono profundo, foram implantado artefatos explosivos improvisados, que ao serem detonados ocasionou na morte de no mínimo, 150 pró-assad. Contatos com pessoas infiltradas no lado do regime que disseram que não há como contar os corpos, pois os que sobreviveram foram metralhados pelos fuzileiros do Exército Livre. A fonte contou que com a explosão uma ambulância chegou ao local, "recolhendo um grande número de corpos e os feridos transportados para o hospital" A fonte disse ainda que os "oficiais Livres realizaram uma retirada táctica e nenhum deles sofreu qualquer arranhão."
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Observe o vergalhão que estão utilizando para puxar o corpo do civil iraquiano Shatha Kubaisi , enquanto os outros tentam se proteger dos tiros em Zabadani. |
Por Saulo Valley - Rio de Janeiro, 14 de Fevereiro de 2011 - 21h11min.
Atualização: 15/12/2011 - 05h56min
Atualização: 15/12/2011 - 05h56min
De acordo com o Exército Livre, citando um ativista libanês que garantiu a fidelidade da informação que um grupo operacional de 27 oficiais mergulharam na noite preparando armadilhas no prédio da Escola Superior de Guerra. Aproveitando que os guerrilheiros dormiam sono profundo, foram implantado artefatos explosivos improvisados, que ao serem detonados ocasionou na morte de no mínimo, 150 pró-assad. Contatos com pessoas infiltradas no lado do regime que disseram que não há como contar os corpos, pois os que sobreviveram foram metralhados pelos fuzileiros do Exército Livre. A fonte contou que com a explosão uma ambulância chegou ao local, "recolhendo um grande número de corpos e os feridos transportados para o hospital" A fonte disse ainda que os "oficiais Livres realizaram uma retirada táctica e nenhum deles sofreu qualquer arranhão."
CNS nas Nações Unidas
Segundo o site "beirutobserver", um dos maiores especialistas em informações do alto-escalão europeu, que disse que o CNS (Conselho Nacional Sírio) em uma reunião com o 5 membros permanentes das Nações Unidas declarou que o povo sírio é favorável à atuação da NATO em uma intervenção militar, para dar fim definitivamente ao massacre corrente no país. De acordo com o citado no site que disse que os membros do Conselho Nacional Sírio afirmaram que estão percebendo o fracasso da Liga Árabe ao tentar levar o conflito para o lado do Iraque, como indicação de grande "fragilidade e fraqueza". Diga-se de passagem (se não houver uma inspiração maior), me parece que ficou decidido que a próxima sexta-feira vergonhosamente deverá ser chamada: "Sex - A Liga Árabe Esta Nos Matando." Pode ate ser que mudem, mas inicialmente esta informação eu posso garantir que vi diretamente.
Video: Ato de vingança: Forças de segurança queimam lojas e residências, além de matar aleatóriamente
Divisão política
Outra informação completamente segura, é que o ministro do interior da Síria, se demitiu e pediu exílio no Líbano, levando consigo mais 15 oficiais superiores. E apesar de não serem confiáveis, nem reconhecidos como heróis pelo povo sírio, suas retiradas estratégicas abrem a visão quanto a queda do regime. Desta vez o Ex-Embaixador Sírio para a Suécia Mohammad Bassam Imadi fugiu com sua família para a Turquia há cerca de 10 dias. A informação teria sido noticiada pelo "The Times", que foi citado pelo site "all4syria" que é escrito por membros da Revolução Síria. De acordo com a fonte, o ex-embaixador passou a fazer declarações públicas e abertas exigindo o fim do regime de Al-Assad e foi citado como tendo dito:
"As pessoas, mesmo no alto não são leais ao Governo, mas eles não podem fazer nada ", disse ele. "Eles estão com medo por suas vidas e famílias. Tenho tantos amigos que já disseram isso para mim."
Por outro lado esse rendezvous vai acabar trazendo para fora do regime, homens que tinham participação absoluta nos crimes correntes. Lembrando que no dia 09 de Novembro o "Saulo Valley Blog" denunciou a fuga de centenas de familiares dos membros da cúpula do Partido Ba'ath e com eles a evasão de uma quantidade incalculável de dólares na bagagem.
Mas o povo sírio estará lá, para reconhecer cada militante pró-massacre, cada mandante de acordo com cada setor. Frequentemente eles publicam listas de nomes de mandantes e coordenadores dos crimes contra a civilização síria. Na semana passada a autoridade máxima da seita Alawite negou participação nos massacres da Síria. O detalhe é ter esperado 10 meses, logo após os sinais de inevitável queda, para dar esta declaração.
Durante muitas décadas, o partido Ba'ath e os Alawitas foram as bases do regime autocrata da família Alassad. Hoje negam qualquer relação. Ainda o Hamas está de mudanças. Anunciou sua saída por motivo de segurança. Segundo líder do Hamas, com a queda de Al-Assad, a organização estaria em perigo.
Com todas estas fugas, o povo continua sendo covardemente executado. O número de civis mortos triplicou nestes últimos 10 dias. Ontem Havia corpos espalhados em Hama que não podiam ser resgatados do asfalto, por causa da chuva de balas dos atiradores escondidos. Não um nem dois, dezenas deles! Ainda há um número gigantesco de pessoas sendo sequestradas em plena luz do dia, diante de todos. Jovens, crianças, adolescentes, mulheres e estudantes estão sendo raptados na porta das universidades por milícias de Assad que ocupam vans.
O processo de vingança está em andamento. Agora não há mais nenhuma ordem específica a ser cumprida a não ser matar e matar. É nestas horas que os presos estão sendo atacados, torturados e executados sem que ninguém saiba, já que a maioria destes locais são subterrâneos. Não há o menor controle do que possa estar acontecendo agora com o número elevado de mais de 3000 desaparecidos identificados pela Ong Avaaz. Mas os sírios reclamam o desparecimento, sequestro e prisão de pelo menos entre 40 e 67 mil civis.
Video: Relatório do Conselho Nacional Sírio é que de ontem para hoje pelo menos 35 civis foram mortos por forças de segurança, o que rendeu uma matéria produzida pela agência Aljazeera árabe.
Durante muitas décadas, o partido Ba'ath e os Alawitas foram as bases do regime autocrata da família Alassad. Hoje negam qualquer relação. Ainda o Hamas está de mudanças. Anunciou sua saída por motivo de segurança. Segundo líder do Hamas, com a queda de Al-Assad, a organização estaria em perigo.

O processo de vingança está em andamento. Agora não há mais nenhuma ordem específica a ser cumprida a não ser matar e matar. É nestas horas que os presos estão sendo atacados, torturados e executados sem que ninguém saiba, já que a maioria destes locais são subterrâneos. Não há o menor controle do que possa estar acontecendo agora com o número elevado de mais de 3000 desaparecidos identificados pela Ong Avaaz. Mas os sírios reclamam o desparecimento, sequestro e prisão de pelo menos entre 40 e 67 mil civis.
Video: Relatório do Conselho Nacional Sírio é que de ontem para hoje pelo menos 35 civis foram mortos por forças de segurança, o que rendeu uma matéria produzida pela agência Aljazeera árabe.
December 14, 2011
Posted by Unknown
Tag :
cerco militar,
destruição e morte,
Massacre de civis,
saulo Valley Blog,
Syria: Sanja Nana - Important assessment of the revolution that was peaceful.
The [Nana Sanja] Syrian political activist, called
all the protesters to remain peaceful in "civil disobedience", calling
all the Syrian people for the maintenance of the general strike as "the last resort for a peaceful revolution."
Nana Sanja began a comment on his Facebook page about "fears of a civil war," warning of the Revolution's efforts to maintain the same initial purpose, despite the numerous changes that have occurred according to the unexpectedly violent and cruel reactions of Bashar Al-Assad.To face repression, a revenue Sanja is to use all these tools of civil disobedience that he listed:
This message reinforces the Syrian people to remain in the effort of non-armed reaction by the high degree of disgrace that President Bashar al-Assad brought into the country.
Sanja Nana warned those who sold the system to "make money with the blood of the martyrs that all free people in Syria."Although accused of isolating the Aleppo revoluação Sanja said "Aleppo also boycotted products as a response to funders' Cbihh." The activist warned the companies that sponsor the salaries of the security forces, which do not maintain the general strike and later in the list of companies will be informed by Local Coordinators for the people do not buy their goods.
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Homs - mercado da cidade de Homs uma greve geral em 12 2011 - Homs 13 - YouTube |
By Saulo Valley and Sanja Nana - Rio de Janeiro, December 13, 2011 - 18:05.
Nana Sanja began a comment on his Facebook page about "fears of a civil war," warning of the Revolution's efforts to maintain the same initial purpose, despite the numerous changes that have occurred according to the unexpectedly violent and cruel reactions of Bashar Al-Assad.To face repression, a revenue Sanja is to use all these tools of civil disobedience that he listed:
1 - stop paying taxes and billsSanja Nana continued .. "And for those who insist on the peaceful revolution and seek to protect it,everyone should be aware that the general strike, which paves the way for civil disobedience,is the last fortress to protect the peaceful uprising. "The activist said about the groups, tribes, villages, gangs who support the regime because they seek the easy way ...
2 - no longer deal with the assets of the State
3 - sufficiency of goods necessary for life (reduce consumption to maximum)
4 - County Cbihh companies (to avoid connection with these companies)
5 - Avoid using a telephone stamens (telephone state and corrupt schemes)
6 - should focus on providing non-farmers for their crops to the state. (Make your farm umproductive)
"The groups that are trying to kill him and destroy the power .... To make it easier to sabotage the country and kill all the elements of civil war and pave the road to sectarian war, and all strive for the success of the strike general. .. ....................... "
This message reinforces the Syrian people to remain in the effort of non-armed reaction by the high degree of disgrace that President Bashar al-Assad brought into the country.
"......................... And seeks confirmation of the sides that feed open the road to sectarian war, they give up some of the names Homs and communities are forced to stay within the city so they can be bombed. Until they try too late by this procedure, in a hurry to drag the country into sectarian hatred (section Civil War), but we as a people, a Syrian with all its sects and cults, as I said ... And we say and repeat again and again, one by one and one is the Syrian people and is a conspiracy, the fall of disgrace and shame, which are planned the "energy bands" at home with Syria. .............................. "
Sanja Nana warned those who sold the system to "make money with the blood of the martyrs that all free people in Syria."Although accused of isolating the Aleppo revoluação Sanja said "Aleppo also boycotted products as a response to funders' Cbihh." The activist warned the companies that sponsor the salaries of the security forces, which do not maintain the general strike and later in the list of companies will be informed by Local Coordinators for the people do not buy their goods.
December 13, 2011
Posted by Unknown
Marocco and the fight to break the blockade of estatal média and show the reality inside.
The Moroccan people are facing one of the toughest battles: Being very poor, without support, withoutresources and without media, stick to state media giant wall that hides the reality of everything that happensin the country. Arbitrary arrests to deaths by execution without charge or fair trial. An attack against human rights that the world does not.
Por Saulo Valley - Rio de Janeiro, 13 de Dezembro de 2011 - 09h05min.
The activities of the Moroccan opposition and the people almost never appear in Internet searches. TheMoroccan crisis does not appear on the sites of actions of human rights, as Aavaz. They are invisible to the outside world, while thousands of people that are on the streets all day carrying out protests and proclaimingtheir demands, demanding justice, equal rights and protection of universal human rights. But the world hardly knows about it and just sticking the block you can see the harsh reality of those living under the leaden sky of Morocco.
The people of Morocco has the "February 20 movement" that has raised an international outcry to denounce the marginalization, repression, unemployment and extortion practiced by the police. seems to be a common case for large cities, but for the Moroccan people is not simple. They do not have any law to support them orprotect them from the abuses of political authorities or police.
These are young protesters who were arrested by Moroccan authorities. In many cases, are accused ofcrimes completely fictitious, so they are forced to convictions and heavy sentences to intimidate theprotesters who want and demand their rights. The people demand the release of these young activists.
Video: This video reveals that the size of the contrasts that country is where the marketing around the rich region covers the claims of insanity and sadness of life 80% of the Moroccan population.
Por Saulo Valley - Rio de Janeiro, 13 de Dezembro de 2011 - 09h05min.
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These are young protesters who were arrested by Moroccan authorities. In many cases, are accused ofcrimes completely fictitious, so they are forced to convictions and heavy sentences to intimidate theprotesters who want and demand their rights. The people demand the release of these young activists.
Video: This video reveals that the size of the contrasts that country is where the marketing around the rich region covers the claims of insanity and sadness of life 80% of the Moroccan population.
Posted by Unknown
Marrocos e a luta para furar o bloqueio de mídia para mostrar realidade ao mundo.
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As atividades da oposição marroquina e do povo, quase nunca aparecem nas pesquisas de internet. A crise marroquina não aparece nos sites de ações de direitos humanos, como Aavaz. Elas ficam invisíveis para o mundo exterior, enquanto isto milhares de pessoas estão nas ruas todos os dias realizando protestos e proclamando suas demandas... CONTINUE LENDO...
Posted by Unknown
Brazil: Human Rights Day Disarmament Seminar in Rio by UN-ALERJ
In honor of 73 years of the Universal Charter of Human Rights, the UN and Brazil Alerj (Legislative Assemblyof Rio de Janeiro) held on Monday 12.12.2011 at 10 am, the Seminar on Disarmament Arms Control andPrevention of Violence . Strong presence of the United Nations High Commissioner for Disarmament Affairs, Sergio Duarte.
Among the entities and government agencies represented, the Ministry of Justice, the Front Disarm Brazil,Viva Rio Institute, Instituto Sou da Paz and the Secretariat of Policies for Women.
Before the seminar started, the coordinator of the Disarmament of the NGO Viva Rio, Antonio RangelBandeira, spoke with reporters ahead and even more comprehensively the issues of most concern in the process of disarmament in the country. He noted that more than 80% of illegal weapons in the country todayare manufactured in Brazil and even that most munitions are of São Paulo, contrary to the old rhetoric ofweapons across the border, as the biggest obstacle for the control of weapons in the hands of illegaltrafficking, for example.
He also warned the issue of poor supervision of stores, citing as an example of weapons that the CPI in 2005 rose to 68% of weapons seized and sold illegally in the city of Rio de Janeiro, were acquired in justeight stores in the state of Rio 7 of them located in the Lowlands and 1 in Niteroi. Antonio Rangel warned that so far none of these stores have been inspected, even quoting the President of the CPI of Arms, theDeputy Marcelo Ash would have randomly visited some of these stores without a warning, so that "only foundirregularities." He praised the legislation governing the sale of weapons in the country, noting that the disarmament campaign is currently being replicated in eight countries in the world, but disapproved of the fact that it is very rarely applied in our country.
Antonio Rangel attributed this difficulty to the conflict of interests between the state and the manufacturersand sellers of weapons and ammunition, noting that they "showed no concern for public safety," making nodistinction between the buyers, "whether drug traffickers, whether a person has no ability to have a gun. "
He called on society as a whole supports the Ministry of Justice, and the Brazilian Army, "in the applicationand control of law." The Coordinator of the Disarmament of the NGO Viva Rio recalled that in 2003, 82% of voters supported the creation of the campaign and Disarmament "Our struggle today is that the law is enforced." In closing, also called for greater supervision of shops and private security companies, pointing out how these two great sources of diversion of weapons to the crime.
The event was basically divided into three thematic panels:
The opening ceremony was on account of Mr Paul Melo, president of Alerj, who later accidentally ended uppresiding over several tables. It also brought a word in the opening event, the Resident Coordinator of UN in Brazil, Jorge Chediak.
In his opening speech at the Seminar, Jorge Chediak recalled the tragic history of the event in WellingtonRealengo, which killed 12 children in the classroom. He noted that as this event had led the authorities toreflect on the problem of guns in society.
He attributed the so-called "arms" the real responsibility for mass destruction, not only in Brazil and around the world. Revealed that in Brazil, a staggering 400 people die each day by using these so-called arms, which can be considered a mass destruction, genocide. The UN Coordinator of Brazil Jorge Chediak, thecommemoration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, said that "the most universal human rights is the right to life." He said the presence of arms in the middle of society is an "obstacle to the full enjoyment ofhuman rights."
Mr. Sergio Queiroz - UN High Commissioner for Disarmament Affairs, after reading the status of UN armshighlighted a lack of unanimity among the members of that organization for manufacturing and trade in heavy weapons, nuclear weapons at leisure and definitely has order . Commissioner Sergio Queiroz noting that "the very existence of weapons of indiscriminate effects sow distrust between countries and can lead to, intentionally or not, the arms race and even war."
We'll still be bringing more highlights of the Seminar on Disarmament in upcoming issues, noting that thebrief update, there will be video recorded the event in the channel " / saulovalley."
Original source in portuguese:
Sr. Deputy Paulo Rangel, President da Alerj - Photo Saulo Valley |
By Saulo Valley - Rio de Janeiro, December 12, 2011 - 18:24.
Before the seminar started, the coordinator of the Disarmament of the NGO Viva Rio, Antonio RangelBandeira, spoke with reporters ahead and even more comprehensively the issues of most concern in the process of disarmament in the country. He noted that more than 80% of illegal weapons in the country todayare manufactured in Brazil and even that most munitions are of São Paulo, contrary to the old rhetoric ofweapons across the border, as the biggest obstacle for the control of weapons in the hands of illegaltrafficking, for example.
He also warned the issue of poor supervision of stores, citing as an example of weapons that the CPI in 2005 rose to 68% of weapons seized and sold illegally in the city of Rio de Janeiro, were acquired in justeight stores in the state of Rio 7 of them located in the Lowlands and 1 in Niteroi. Antonio Rangel warned that so far none of these stores have been inspected, even quoting the President of the CPI of Arms, theDeputy Marcelo Ash would have randomly visited some of these stores without a warning, so that "only foundirregularities." He praised the legislation governing the sale of weapons in the country, noting that the disarmament campaign is currently being replicated in eight countries in the world, but disapproved of the fact that it is very rarely applied in our country.
Sr. Antonio Rangel Bandeira "Viva Rio" - Photo: Saulo Valley |
Antonio Rangel attributed this difficulty to the conflict of interests between the state and the manufacturersand sellers of weapons and ammunition, noting that they "showed no concern for public safety," making nodistinction between the buyers, "whether drug traffickers, whether a person has no ability to have a gun. "
He called on society as a whole supports the Ministry of Justice, and the Brazilian Army, "in the applicationand control of law." The Coordinator of the Disarmament of the NGO Viva Rio recalled that in 2003, 82% of voters supported the creation of the campaign and Disarmament "Our struggle today is that the law is enforced." In closing, also called for greater supervision of shops and private security companies, pointing out how these two great sources of diversion of weapons to the crime.
The event was basically divided into three thematic panels:
- Arms Control in Latin America and the Caribbean: Progress and Challenges.
- Youth, Race / Ethnicity and Mortality.
- Gender, Race / Ethnicity and Armed Violence.
Sr. Jorge Chediak, ONU Brasil - Photo Saulo Valley |
In his opening speech at the Seminar, Jorge Chediak recalled the tragic history of the event in WellingtonRealengo, which killed 12 children in the classroom. He noted that as this event had led the authorities toreflect on the problem of guns in society.
Sr. Sergio Queiroz - UN High Commissioner for Disarmament Affairs Photo: Saulo Valley |
We'll still be bringing more highlights of the Seminar on Disarmament in upcoming issues, noting that thebrief update, there will be video recorded the event in the channel " / saulovalley."
Original source in portuguese:
December 12, 2011
Posted by Unknown
December 11, 2011
Posted by Unknown
Video: How the demonstration in syria starts in mosque.
Cairo - 11 of December of 2011
Posted by Unknown
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