Archive for 8/21/11 - 8/28/11
COMPLAINT: Pour weapons in Syria to force a reaction by civil overwhelming pressure.
The origin of these weapons, and how they got in the country no one can say with clarity, but the population denounces such a large amount of weapons stored for "free" in Syria that seem to litter.
By Saulo Valley - Rio de Janeiro, August 25, 2011 - 14:48.
The people of Syria has pledged to hold a peaceful protest and he has sought to withstand the pressure the Syrian government declared a jihad conference about it. They move about the bullets designed by cannons and anti-aircraft guns, machine guns, hand grenades, rockets BDM / RPG and pistols. All of Russian and Iranian. They want to abandon the position that Assad does not matter when!
They are being killed "Volunteers" to protest the 41 years the family domain of Bashar Al-Assad.
The success of the revolution in Libya makes people want to pressure the Syrian people to accept the huge supply of weapons. But they show themselves true to their ideals. They want to beat the system without the use of firearms. LEGITIMACY is what these people want to guarantee to the end. No matter what my decision or the decision of America, or the decision of the Arab League or the rest of the world, they do not want to fight!
The only acceptable form, would be an armed revolution breaking free of the army. If someone has a proposal and a means of supporting the dissident army with financial and logistical resources, they will be very welcome. But nothing will make people react with fire. Its sole purpose is the reaction with their prayers and their voices are often silenced by snipers with shots of them running through the throat 7.62.
They are willing to be completely wiped out until Bashar Al-Assad is stripped of his throne of blood.
What is this? Suicide is a manifestation, Jihad and collection, where the only victims are themselves. There is the practice of terrorism. This is an activity long rejected by this people. Knowing the rules the way they know, they know that the only way to stop this continual shedding of human blood is a collective suicide!
But they are not killing, just marching in the direction of the shots! Who is killing is that Bashar Al-Assad has fun with his little game of target practice!
"We would not be surprised if in the near future some research concluded that the shooters were just millionaires who paid clients to practice hunted while Al-Assad would win an unimaginable amount of money."
This is a theory, but the bodies and analyzing the reports, no one can see that the killings in Syria are being practiced by those who take pleasure in them.
The silence of the Arab League with regard to the fear that their countries are facing the next mass revolutions, meanwhile are trying to adapt their constitutions to events. At the same time they fear a confrontation by China, Russia, Iran, Iraq and Venezuela. Everyone's hands.
The failures of past U.S. wars will mark the image of the United States for many years ahead. The lack of credibility in their wars deemed illegitimate, only tend to prevent any kind of acceptance in Arabic. Not really have much connection with the death of Bin Laden, since he was so loved and hated in the Middle East. The highest mark of the failure of American credibility is registered on Iraqi soil.
If you take a recording of his anti-Western and anti-American Hugo Chavez, Muammar Gaddafi, Bashar Al-Assad, Hosni Mubbarak, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Medvedev and others, we see that the lines are exactly the same. The only thing that changes is the sound of voices.
This makes them the fruits of medium, or is is because of these reasons are more acceptable in the international arena, giving them the right to continue killing, sponsoring or marketing for the mass death of people on the planet?
Speeches equal claim the legitimacy of their ideas, eh? Legitimacy is the courage of the people of Syria, who said that although the media were influenced by the revolution Tunisian, Egyptian or Libyan, they went their way in their own way. Based on what they believe and idealize. We who are part of this global community we have at least required to help avoid that because of a profound national grief, one man has the power to destroy them in order to continue maintaining the success of their illicit business.
Through such oppression and killings, experts in anti-revolution Iranian protesters plan to drive to arm themselves. Photo courtesy of: "Kenny Holston 21" |
"There is a new approach was based on an alliance between the Islamic forces in the Syrian opposition, especially the party of the Muslim Brotherhood and some opposition figures like Dr. Mohamed Rahal, and the Syrian regime and under the auspices of Turkey to transform Slmatha revolution and the introduction of large quantities of arms and armed revolution in one last attempt to abort the peaceful revolution Syria and cancel all his gains on the ground and in the political ... " Othman Abdul Kader
The people of Syria has pledged to hold a peaceful protest and he has sought to withstand the pressure the Syrian government declared a jihad conference about it. They move about the bullets designed by cannons and anti-aircraft guns, machine guns, hand grenades, rockets BDM / RPG and pistols. All of Russian and Iranian. They want to abandon the position that Assad does not matter when!
They are being killed "Volunteers" to protest the 41 years the family domain of Bashar Al-Assad.
The success of the revolution in Libya makes people want to pressure the Syrian people to accept the huge supply of weapons. But they show themselves true to their ideals. They want to beat the system without the use of firearms. LEGITIMACY is what these people want to guarantee to the end. No matter what my decision or the decision of America, or the decision of the Arab League or the rest of the world, they do not want to fight!
The only acceptable form, would be an armed revolution breaking free of the army. If someone has a proposal and a means of supporting the dissident army with financial and logistical resources, they will be very welcome. But nothing will make people react with fire. Its sole purpose is the reaction with their prayers and their voices are often silenced by snipers with shots of them running through the throat 7.62.
They are willing to be completely wiped out until Bashar Al-Assad is stripped of his throne of blood.
What is this? Suicide is a manifestation, Jihad and collection, where the only victims are themselves. There is the practice of terrorism. This is an activity long rejected by this people. Knowing the rules the way they know, they know that the only way to stop this continual shedding of human blood is a collective suicide!
But they are not killing, just marching in the direction of the shots! Who is killing is that Bashar Al-Assad has fun with his little game of target practice!
"We would not be surprised if in the near future some research concluded that the shooters were just millionaires who paid clients to practice hunted while Al-Assad would win an unimaginable amount of money."
This is a theory, but the bodies and analyzing the reports, no one can see that the killings in Syria are being practiced by those who take pleasure in them.
The silence of the Arab League with regard to the fear that their countries are facing the next mass revolutions, meanwhile are trying to adapt their constitutions to events. At the same time they fear a confrontation by China, Russia, Iran, Iraq and Venezuela. Everyone's hands.
The failures of past U.S. wars will mark the image of the United States for many years ahead. The lack of credibility in their wars deemed illegitimate, only tend to prevent any kind of acceptance in Arabic. Not really have much connection with the death of Bin Laden, since he was so loved and hated in the Middle East. The highest mark of the failure of American credibility is registered on Iraqi soil.
If you take a recording of his anti-Western and anti-American Hugo Chavez, Muammar Gaddafi, Bashar Al-Assad, Hosni Mubbarak, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Medvedev and others, we see that the lines are exactly the same. The only thing that changes is the sound of voices.
This makes them the fruits of medium, or is is because of these reasons are more acceptable in the international arena, giving them the right to continue killing, sponsoring or marketing for the mass death of people on the planet?
Speeches equal claim the legitimacy of their ideas, eh? Legitimacy is the courage of the people of Syria, who said that although the media were influenced by the revolution Tunisian, Egyptian or Libyan, they went their way in their own way. Based on what they believe and idealize. We who are part of this global community we have at least required to help avoid that because of a profound national grief, one man has the power to destroy them in order to continue maintaining the success of their illicit business.
August 25, 2011
Posted by Unknown
DENÚNCIA: Derrame de armas na Síria para obrigar uma reação civil por meio de esmagadora pressão.
A origem destas armas, e como foram parar no país ninguém sabe dizer com clareza, mas a população denuncia uma quantidade tão grande de armas armazenadas "gratuitamente" na Síria que parecem lixo.
O povo da Síria se comprometeu em realizar uma manifestação PACÍFICA e ele tem buscado suportar a pressão do governo sírio declarando uma JIHAD coletiva sobre ele. Eles avançam sobre as balas projetadas pelos canhões e metralhadoras anti-aéreas, metralhadoras de mão, granadas, foguetes de BDM/RPG e pistolas. Tudo de fabricação russa e iraniana. Eles querem que Assad abandone o cargo não importa quando!
Eles estão sendo mortos "VOLUNTARIAMENTE" em protesto aos 41 anos do domínio da família de Bashar Al-Assad.
O sucesso da revolução da Líbia faz com que as pessoas queiram pressionar ao povo sírio a aceitar a gigantesca oferta de armas. Mas eles se mostram fiéis aos seus ideais. Querem vencer o regime sem o uso de armas de fogo. LEGITIMIDADE é o que este povo quer garantir até o fim. Não importa qual seja a minha decisão ou a decisão da América, ou a decisão da Liga Árabe ou do resto do mundo, eles não querem lutar!
A única forma aceitável, seria uma revolução armada partindo do exército livre. Se alguém tem uma proposta e um meio de apoiar os exército dissidente com recursos financeiros e logísticos, eles serão muito bem-vindos. Mas nada fará a população reagir com fogo. Sua única proposta é a reação com suas orações e suas vozes que muitas das vezes são silenciadas pelos snipers com tiros de 7,62 lhes traspassando a garganta.
Eles estão dispostos a ser dizimados por completo até que Bashar Al-Assad seja destituído de seu trono de sangue.
O que é isto? É uma manifestação SUICIDA, JIHADISTA e COLETIVA, onde as únicas vítimas são eles mesmos. Não há a prática do terrorismo. Esta é uma atividade rejeitada há muito, por este povo. Conhecendo o regime do jeito que conhecem, eles sabem que a única forma de parar este contínuo derramamento de sangue humano é um suicídio coletivo!
Mas eles não estão se matando, apenas marchando na direção dos tiros! Quem está matando é Bashar Al-Assad que tem se divertido com seu joguinho de tiro ao alvo!
"Não ficaríamos espantados se num futuro próximo alguma investigação concluísse que os atiradores não passavam de clientes milionários que pagavam para praticar caçadas humanas enquanto Al-Assad ganharia uma inimaginável quantia de dinheiro."
Isto é uma teoria, mas se analisar os corpos e os relatórios, qualquer um pode notar que as mortes na Síria estão sendo praticadas por quem tem prazer nelas.
O silêncio da Liga Árabe diz respeito ao medo de que seus países sejam os próximos a enfrentar revoluções massivas, enquanto isto estão procurando adaptar suas constituições aos acontecimentos. Ao mesmo tempo eles temem um enfrentamento por parte da China, Russia, Irã, Iraque e Venezuela. Todo mundo de mãos atadas.
Os fracassos das últimas guerras americanas irão marcar a imagem dos Estados Unidos por longos anos à frente. A falta de credibilidade em suas guerras consideradas ilegítimas, só tendem a impedir qualquer tipo de aceitação no âmbito arábico. Na verdade nem tem muita relação com a morte de Bin Laden, já que ele era tão amado quanto odiado no Oriente Médio. A maior marca do fracasso da credibilidade americana está registrada em solo iraquiano.
Se pegarmos uma gravação do discurso anti-americano e anti-ocidental de Hugo Chávez, Muammar Kaddafi, Bashar Al-Assad, Hosni Mubbarak, Mahmoud ahmadinejad, Dmitri medvedev e tantos outros, veremos que as falas são exatamente as mesmas. A única coisa que muda é o som das vozes.
Isto faz com que sejam frutos do meio, ou será é porque estas desculpas são as mais aceitáveis no cenário internacional, o que lhes dá o direito de continuar matando, patrocinando ou comercializando para a morte massiva de pessoas no planeta?
Discursos iguais tiram a legitimidade de suas idéias, não acham? Legitimidade está na coragem do povo da Síria, que embora a mídia diga que foram influenciados pela revolução tunisiana, egípcia ou líbia, eles seguiram seu caminho a seu modo. Com base no que acreditam e idealizam. Nós que somos parte desta coletividade mundial temos no mínimo, obrigação de ajudar a evitar que por causa de uma profunda TRISTEZA NACIONAL, um único homem tenha poder para destruí-las a fim de continuar mantendo o sucesso de seus negócios ilícitos.
Mediante a tamanha opressão e mortandade, especialistas em anti-revolução iranianos planejam impulsionar os manifestantes a se armarem. Foto cortesia de: "Kenny Holston 21" |
Por Saulo Valley - Rio de Janeiro, 25 de Agosto de 2011 - 14h48min.
"Há uma nova abordagem foi baseada em uma aliança entre as forças islâmicas na oposição síria, principalmente o partido da Irmandade Muçulmana e algumas figuras da oposição como o Dr. Mohamed Rahal, e do regime sírio e sob os auspícios da Turquia para transformar o Slmatha revolução e da introdução de grandes quantidades de armas e revolução armada em uma última tentativa de abortar a revolução pacífica Síria e cancelar todos os seus ganhos no terreno e no plano político..." Abdul Kader Othman
O povo da Síria se comprometeu em realizar uma manifestação PACÍFICA e ele tem buscado suportar a pressão do governo sírio declarando uma JIHAD coletiva sobre ele. Eles avançam sobre as balas projetadas pelos canhões e metralhadoras anti-aéreas, metralhadoras de mão, granadas, foguetes de BDM/RPG e pistolas. Tudo de fabricação russa e iraniana. Eles querem que Assad abandone o cargo não importa quando!
Eles estão sendo mortos "VOLUNTARIAMENTE" em protesto aos 41 anos do domínio da família de Bashar Al-Assad.
O sucesso da revolução da Líbia faz com que as pessoas queiram pressionar ao povo sírio a aceitar a gigantesca oferta de armas. Mas eles se mostram fiéis aos seus ideais. Querem vencer o regime sem o uso de armas de fogo. LEGITIMIDADE é o que este povo quer garantir até o fim. Não importa qual seja a minha decisão ou a decisão da América, ou a decisão da Liga Árabe ou do resto do mundo, eles não querem lutar!
A única forma aceitável, seria uma revolução armada partindo do exército livre. Se alguém tem uma proposta e um meio de apoiar os exército dissidente com recursos financeiros e logísticos, eles serão muito bem-vindos. Mas nada fará a população reagir com fogo. Sua única proposta é a reação com suas orações e suas vozes que muitas das vezes são silenciadas pelos snipers com tiros de 7,62 lhes traspassando a garganta.
Eles estão dispostos a ser dizimados por completo até que Bashar Al-Assad seja destituído de seu trono de sangue.
O que é isto? É uma manifestação SUICIDA, JIHADISTA e COLETIVA, onde as únicas vítimas são eles mesmos. Não há a prática do terrorismo. Esta é uma atividade rejeitada há muito, por este povo. Conhecendo o regime do jeito que conhecem, eles sabem que a única forma de parar este contínuo derramamento de sangue humano é um suicídio coletivo!
Mas eles não estão se matando, apenas marchando na direção dos tiros! Quem está matando é Bashar Al-Assad que tem se divertido com seu joguinho de tiro ao alvo!
"Não ficaríamos espantados se num futuro próximo alguma investigação concluísse que os atiradores não passavam de clientes milionários que pagavam para praticar caçadas humanas enquanto Al-Assad ganharia uma inimaginável quantia de dinheiro."
Isto é uma teoria, mas se analisar os corpos e os relatórios, qualquer um pode notar que as mortes na Síria estão sendo praticadas por quem tem prazer nelas.
O silêncio da Liga Árabe diz respeito ao medo de que seus países sejam os próximos a enfrentar revoluções massivas, enquanto isto estão procurando adaptar suas constituições aos acontecimentos. Ao mesmo tempo eles temem um enfrentamento por parte da China, Russia, Irã, Iraque e Venezuela. Todo mundo de mãos atadas.
Os fracassos das últimas guerras americanas irão marcar a imagem dos Estados Unidos por longos anos à frente. A falta de credibilidade em suas guerras consideradas ilegítimas, só tendem a impedir qualquer tipo de aceitação no âmbito arábico. Na verdade nem tem muita relação com a morte de Bin Laden, já que ele era tão amado quanto odiado no Oriente Médio. A maior marca do fracasso da credibilidade americana está registrada em solo iraquiano.
Se pegarmos uma gravação do discurso anti-americano e anti-ocidental de Hugo Chávez, Muammar Kaddafi, Bashar Al-Assad, Hosni Mubbarak, Mahmoud ahmadinejad, Dmitri medvedev e tantos outros, veremos que as falas são exatamente as mesmas. A única coisa que muda é o som das vozes.
Isto faz com que sejam frutos do meio, ou será é porque estas desculpas são as mais aceitáveis no cenário internacional, o que lhes dá o direito de continuar matando, patrocinando ou comercializando para a morte massiva de pessoas no planeta?
Discursos iguais tiram a legitimidade de suas idéias, não acham? Legitimidade está na coragem do povo da Síria, que embora a mídia diga que foram influenciados pela revolução tunisiana, egípcia ou líbia, eles seguiram seu caminho a seu modo. Com base no que acreditam e idealizam. Nós que somos parte desta coletividade mundial temos no mínimo, obrigação de ajudar a evitar que por causa de uma profunda TRISTEZA NACIONAL, um único homem tenha poder para destruí-las a fim de continuar mantendo o sucesso de seus negócios ilícitos.
Posted by Unknown
Posted by Unknown
Syria: Oppression, siege, shooting, mass arrests and home - nothing changes.
The 4th Division of the Syrian army, led by the bloodthirsty Maher Al-Assad, the younger brother of the president, invaded the city of Hama in yesterday. A violent raid with high firepower and destruction being used on popular.
By Saulo Valley - Rio de Janeiro, August 25, 2011 - Update - 08:13
In Deir Azour residents attend two more tank crews start their march to crush the Syrian people and their few possessions.
Daraa: violence portrayed in the family. The pain of his mother praying for her dead son. She says, "Thank you Bashar, you killed my son."
Hama: Upon arrival of the Committee on Human Rights, an expected surprise: Al Assad ordered troops and tanks were hidden. As we have reported before, al-Assad ordered a complete renovation and cleaning in the area of access by the Commission.
Knowing that the path of the UN Commission for Human Rights was being made up, the residents wrote tracks request help. They expected the commission on the road. But they were arrested and many were beaten up were executed by government forces.
So they decided to march outside the building where the commission would be received:
The mosque, "Bilal al-Habish" women and the university have been turned into a military base, causing more hatred of the people. The populace said that they had never seen such military apparatus in the region. The popular were angered to see that the "Shabihas" who are members of a tribe that is part of the safety of Syria, were urinating and defecating in the doorway of the mosque. A total affront to the principles of Islam.
Ali Farzat: A leading political cartoonist of Syria. He has published more than 15,000 cartoons in the most important in the country. Yesterday he had both hands broken by drawing cartoons condemning the actions of the regime. The news was published on the site "thenewsyria."
Some of his great works:
Posted by Unknown
Rastan City calls to UN & NATO please help us, SOS

حلف الناتو .........وبطش بشار
أننا كشعب سوري ,نطالب دول العالم بالكف عن الصمت تجاه جرائم بشار الأسد وسفكه للدماء بشكل يومي.
فابناء سورية يطالبون الناتو بالتدخل لفرض حظر جوي وأنشاء منطقة عازلة تحمي السوريين من بطش وقتل بشار الأسد فبمجرد حصول هذه الخطوة سينهار نظام الطاغية فورا وسينسحب الجيش ويعودوا الى بيوتهم , بعد أطمئنانهم , بأنه لم يعد هناك شيء يهدد حياتهم , وأنهم أمنين ,كما حصل في ليبيا , حيث تم تأمين بنغازي وبعدها حصلت أنشقاقات على كل المستويات العسكرية والمدنية وبدء تحرير ليبيا من نظام القذافي الطاغية.
SOS, save our souls
STOP the Killing in Syria
Russia why you hate Syrians
Please help us
STOP the Killing in Syria
Russia why you hate Syrians
Please help us
Posted by الدكتور أحمد جمعة
The Humanitarian Team Visit Intensifies Demonstrations
Syrian Revolution News Round-up
Day 161: Monday, 22 Aug 2011
Demonstrations have been increasing in Syria after Assad’s speech and Gadhafi’s fall. On top of that, the UN’s Humanitarian Mission visits have been contributing to larger crowds protesting at all visited areas. Yesterday, the residents of Moadamiya and Zabadani in the suburbs of Damascus came out to demonstrate against Bashar chanting demands for his execution, and talking to the UN Team about the horrors they’ve been subjected to by the security forces. They spoke out realizing that although they might be safe then as the regime would not shoot them in front of foreign parties, but they will surely be targeted and punished after the Team’s departure. That's exactly what happened.
In Homs, security forces cleared the area of Bab Sbaa of the marks of Assad’s war against the people in preparation of the Humanitarian Team’s visit, where roadblocks were shifted temporary, blood was scrubbed off the streets, and armored units were moved out of sight. The people came out and demonstrated at the entrance of the neighborhood against the regime asking for the execution of the President. They talked to the Team about the atrocities they’ve seen in the camp, and they’ve escorted them inside Bab Sbaa in spite of the regime’s forces trying to stop the Team and ordering it to leave the city. As soon as the Team left, the regime’s forces started attacking the residents again, killing three, of which one was a child. Consequently, reports have emerged of defections in town leading to violent clashes with the security forces and Assad militias. Heavy fire was also heard in Bab Amr, Khudur, and Karm Shami.
The scenario in Hama was not so different today, where demonstrators met the Humanitarian Team in Asi square with chants calling for the execution of the presidents. Of course, that was preceded by security forces clearing the square from the first of Ramadan military campaign’s traces and evidence. The regime did not retaliate against demonstrators when the Team left after talking to them about their horrible experiences, as there were reports of the American Ambassador to Syria planning to visit the city again.
In the meanwhile, dozens of tanks and armored personnel carriers have reportedly reached and surrounded the cities of Boukamal and Qouraya in Deir Azzour, and Kesweh in Damascus suburb, preparing to invade them. While house-to-house searches and arrests continued throughout the day in Jasem, Deir Bakht, Kafr Shams, and Kherbet Ghazaleh in Daraa; Jableh; Tal Rifaat in Aleppo subrubs; Kafr Aweid, Kafansra, and Kafrunbul in Jabl Zawyeh area in Idlib; and Latakia, which is still besieged with thousands of its civilian residents jailed at the sports complex.
Security forces in Raqqa arrested lawyers who demonstrated at their union. It is noted that union demonstrations sprouted in the past two months over most Syrian cities, such as Damascus, Aleppo, Raqqa, Sweida…etc, exhibiting a sign of Baath party losing its grip on its institutions since unions in Syria are associated with the Baath party and are not independent.
Currently, security forces and Assad militias are removing the roadblocks and hiding the armored units placed in Banyas four months ago, in preparation for the Humanitarian Team’s visit to the city; while the demonstrators are preparing to demonstrate with banners written in English calling for Assad to be executed. This latest move from the regime, allowing a foreign team to scrutinize it inside out, is evidence of the effectiveness of foreign pressure. That means the regime is getting less disconnected with reality and is planning a way to circumvent what it dug itself into. That would require it cutting loose ends, which means that many regime figures and allies in Syria need to start worrying about their safety. Nonetheless, the regime has attempted many times to circumvent reality and failed, as it is not equipped with the patience or acumen required to carry out such endeavors. Iran has recently realized the failure of the regime and its imminent doom and has replaced its Ambassador to Damascus.
International Reactions
Indian initiative on Syria might run into trouble - Times of India
UN says Syria unrest killed 2,200 in protest crackdown - BBC
Top Videos
Wounded child after security forces shot at protesters
City Center: Snipers shoot protester in his head, P2
Day 161: Monday, 22 Aug 2011
Demonstrations have been increasing in Syria after Assad’s speech and Gadhafi’s fall. On top of that, the UN’s Humanitarian Mission visits have been contributing to larger crowds protesting at all visited areas. Yesterday, the residents of Moadamiya and Zabadani in the suburbs of Damascus came out to demonstrate against Bashar chanting demands for his execution, and talking to the UN Team about the horrors they’ve been subjected to by the security forces. They spoke out realizing that although they might be safe then as the regime would not shoot them in front of foreign parties, but they will surely be targeted and punished after the Team’s departure. That's exactly what happened.
In Homs, security forces cleared the area of Bab Sbaa of the marks of Assad’s war against the people in preparation of the Humanitarian Team’s visit, where roadblocks were shifted temporary, blood was scrubbed off the streets, and armored units were moved out of sight. The people came out and demonstrated at the entrance of the neighborhood against the regime asking for the execution of the President. They talked to the Team about the atrocities they’ve seen in the camp, and they’ve escorted them inside Bab Sbaa in spite of the regime’s forces trying to stop the Team and ordering it to leave the city. As soon as the Team left, the regime’s forces started attacking the residents again, killing three, of which one was a child. Consequently, reports have emerged of defections in town leading to violent clashes with the security forces and Assad militias. Heavy fire was also heard in Bab Amr, Khudur, and Karm Shami.
The scenario in Hama was not so different today, where demonstrators met the Humanitarian Team in Asi square with chants calling for the execution of the presidents. Of course, that was preceded by security forces clearing the square from the first of Ramadan military campaign’s traces and evidence. The regime did not retaliate against demonstrators when the Team left after talking to them about their horrible experiences, as there were reports of the American Ambassador to Syria planning to visit the city again.
In the meanwhile, dozens of tanks and armored personnel carriers have reportedly reached and surrounded the cities of Boukamal and Qouraya in Deir Azzour, and Kesweh in Damascus suburb, preparing to invade them. While house-to-house searches and arrests continued throughout the day in Jasem, Deir Bakht, Kafr Shams, and Kherbet Ghazaleh in Daraa; Jableh; Tal Rifaat in Aleppo subrubs; Kafr Aweid, Kafansra, and Kafrunbul in Jabl Zawyeh area in Idlib; and Latakia, which is still besieged with thousands of its civilian residents jailed at the sports complex.
Security forces in Raqqa arrested lawyers who demonstrated at their union. It is noted that union demonstrations sprouted in the past two months over most Syrian cities, such as Damascus, Aleppo, Raqqa, Sweida…etc, exhibiting a sign of Baath party losing its grip on its institutions since unions in Syria are associated with the Baath party and are not independent.
Currently, security forces and Assad militias are removing the roadblocks and hiding the armored units placed in Banyas four months ago, in preparation for the Humanitarian Team’s visit to the city; while the demonstrators are preparing to demonstrate with banners written in English calling for Assad to be executed. This latest move from the regime, allowing a foreign team to scrutinize it inside out, is evidence of the effectiveness of foreign pressure. That means the regime is getting less disconnected with reality and is planning a way to circumvent what it dug itself into. That would require it cutting loose ends, which means that many regime figures and allies in Syria need to start worrying about their safety. Nonetheless, the regime has attempted many times to circumvent reality and failed, as it is not equipped with the patience or acumen required to carry out such endeavors. Iran has recently realized the failure of the regime and its imminent doom and has replaced its Ambassador to Damascus.
International Reactions
Indian initiative on Syria might run into trouble - Times of India
UN says Syria unrest killed 2,200 in protest crackdown - BBC
Top Videos
Wounded child after security forces shot at protesters
City Center: Snipers shoot protester in his head, P2
Revolution Statistics
Syrians killed: 2,634
Civilian casualties: 2,240
Army casualties: 394
Children killed: 161
Missing: 3,059
Protestors killed under torture: 72
Protestors currently incarcerated: Around 15,000
Syrian refugees since the revolution: +12,577
Refugees in Turkey: 10,227
Refugees in Lebanon: 2,300
Prepared by
Ausama Monajed and others
for more info, eyewitnesses or commentary
on events please contact:
Twitter: @Monajed
Syrians killed: 2,634
Civilian casualties: 2,240
Army casualties: 394
Children killed: 161
Missing: 3,059
Protestors killed under torture: 72
Protestors currently incarcerated: Around 15,000
Syrian refugees since the revolution: +12,577
Refugees in Turkey: 10,227
Refugees in Lebanon: 2,300
Prepared by
Ausama Monajed and others
for more info, eyewitnesses or commentary
on events please contact:
Twitter: @Monajed
Growing number of victims and detainees, arbitrary arrests and fleeing by the use of violence to suppress peaceful protests in Syria
We, in the organizations defending human rights in Syria, still receive with great indignation and condemnation, alarming news for the continued fall of the victims (between the dead and wounded) of civilians, and members of the police and the army, as a result of violent and excessive repression practiced by the Syrian authorities against peaceful protesters, in the various cities and towns Syria. During the past few days, the following names of victims have been known:
Dead victims
• Mrs. Ilham Bakdash - Ali Mahmoud Danorah - Sheikh Abdul Rahman Abdul Rahman - Ahmed Sophi - Ahmed Yousef Shuraiki - Riad Chaoui - Nada Hassan Al- Saad and Mohammed Raseem Al-Jisri.
•( Talal Sheikh (Soran
• Abdul Razak Audeh - Hatem Mohamed Aboud - Mamdouh Wael Suleiman Awad - Hatem Abdul Razzaq Abboud - - Maan Mahmoud Al-Sawah - Mamdouh Wael Awad Vaaouri - Ibrahim Al-Khatib Al Rifai - Abdul Samad Abdul Hai Abdul Wahid - Abdul Kareem Abdul-Ghani Siofi - Abdul Latif Abbas - Abdul-Jabbar Mohammed Abbas - Mahmoud Abdo Saad- Edeen.
Qalamoun – Damascus countryside:
• Hossam El Din Ali
• Mr. Mohamed Mustafa Ghazal - teacher of philosophy at the secondary school of Teftanaz about 47 year old) - Abdul Salam al-Khatib (Kafar Roma).)
Arbitrary arrests:
Furthermore, organizations defending human rights in Syria, is still receiving information that confirms the continuation of the Syrian authorities approach of adopting the path of arbitrary arrest outside the law and prosecute political activists, intellectuals, and some Syrian citizens, which constitutes a flagrant violation of fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the Syrian constitution, despite the announcement of the cancellation state of emergency. Widespread daily arrest is still practiced and from those who have been subjected to it is:
• Ahmed Qadri Alheijani - Amro Qadri Alheijani - Ammar Tanatrah - Ibrahim Awad - Omar Alsokhni - Azhar Abu Shakir, born 1968.
Al-Tal, Damascus:
• Ibrahim Idris – Ibrahim Al-Bouni - Ibrahim Al-Habashi - Ibrahim al-Khattab – Hazem Taleb- Haider chemo - Khallouf Obeid - Salem Al-Laham - Safwan Allazkani – Mohamed Afa Al-Rifai - Ibrahim Farhat - Muhammad Al-Ali Ali - Muhammad Salim Al-Laham - Mohammed Abdel-Raouf Salameh - Tariq Abdul-Raouf Salameh - Mutasim Redha Saleh - Mohamed Khaled Hamed.
Hmouria – Damascus countryside:
• Maher Abdo Rajab - Khalil Abdel-Hadi - Mohamed Saeed Abdel Jawad - Basem Abdul Jawad --- Ziad Ganafer - Salah Ganafer - Bashar Bashir Issa - Haitham Ali - Ahmed Hamza - - Mohamed Homos - Amjad Khader Lila - Mohammed Abdul Hadi Lila - Hussein Hassan Tohme - Mahmoud Dib Wanosa - Dr. Badr al-Din Haider - Haitham Abdel-Azim al-Khatib - Nazir Yasin - Abdul Ghani Mustafa Ayas - Mohamed Mufeed Tohme - Abdu Hosni Hamza - Mohamed Hassoun - Mohsen Ismail Al-Zein Ghazal - Ahmad Taj Ataya - Maher Ahmed Taj Ataya..
Ein Menin – Damascus countryside:
• Ezzat Dugha - Essam Zarzour - Sameh Haddaqi
Saqba Damascus Countryside:
• Saber Hamada- Riad Al-Kersh - Abdul Hakim Sardar - Mohsen Zein - Mohamed Zein - Emad Al-Kersh - Imad Amjad Sadek - Saeed Khawaja - Basil Hamed - Abdul Hadi Chakhtot - Mohamed Yassin Chakhtot - Emad El Sheikh - Rafat Abu Al-Zahab – Eyad Mazhar Khamis - Ramiz Musalam Khamis – Nader Musalam Khamis - Yasser Musalam Khamis - Firas Haron - Ghiath Abu Habra - Ziad Tatin - Mahmoud Radhi - Hossam Radhi - Ghassan Quwatli - Mohammed Saeed Al-Sin- Muhammad Rashid al-Hakim.
Katana - Damascus countryside:
• Khaled Bandaqji
Barzeh - Damascus countryside:
• Obeida Ghora - Fahad Bara - Fahad Hinnawi - Ibrahim Bara
Madaya - Damascus countryside:
• Ali Abd al-Jawad Jawad
• Ahmed Qasim - Omar Haj Khalaf - Adnan Khalid Moosa - Adnan Saleh Daher - Hassan Saleh Daher - Bassam Al-Ikesh- Hijazi Al-Ikesh - Mohammed Al-Ikesh - Azzam Mohammed Harmoush
Bosra Al-Sham – Deraa:
• Pharmacist, Haitham Majeed Al-Muqdad
Jassim - Deraa:
• Ahmed Saleh Al-Halaqi - Abdullah Al-Halaqi - Osama Al-Yateem - Ghalib Qwaider - Samer Bakri -Hindi Alzokani - Bassam Ahmed Al-Mahasneh - Mohamed Ismail Al-Halaqi - Mohammad Yousuf Askar - Suleiman Hamza Al-Halaqi - Muhammad Aladdin Al-Halaqi – Bilal Muhammad Al-Halaqi - Abdel-Qader Ali Al-Jilem, Radwan Mohamed Said Al-Jilem - Omar Omira - Firas Al Khatib - Imad Nasser
Mahajeh, Deraa:
• Khalil Moussa Al-Humeir- Qasim Hoshan - Muhammad Okla Hoshan - Fadel Kheirat Shabana - Awad Hoshan - Yamen Emad Al-Jildeh - Mohammed Tayseer Al-Jildeh - Hammoud Yasser - Falah Al-Humeir.
• Mayor of Kafr Napodeh,Jamal Al-Masri, - Dr. Ayman Hamada, Vice President of the Union of Arab Pharmacists - Hamza Rahwan - Dr. Kamal Al Ashkar - Dr. Mustafa Arob
• Aslan Manan
• Nabil Laila - Ali Hasaki - Adnan Al-Jundi - Bashar al-Hamouda - Ahmed Bayrakdar (Rahman mosque muezzin in Lattakia) - Rami Aliu - Abdul Rahman Al-Arnaout
• Abdel Hamid Ibrahim Gharibi, Muhannad Mohammed Dib Kharfan, Musab Zakaria Kharfan, Mahmoud Zarzour, Abdullah Mustafa Moussa, Safwan Sadiq Ghadiri, Rakan Subhi Badra, Mahmoud Ali Rahibeh, Nizar Sameh Sukheita, Yehia Sameh Sukheita , Mustafa Dibo Barbour, Ghaith Ameen Tracy, Muhammad Ali Baroudi, Muhammad Adnan Faham, , Mohamed Ahmed Shihan , Mohamed Ahmed Al-Naeb.
Ma'arrat Numan – Idlib:
• Juma Luhayeb, Fadi Mohammed Al-Mandeel, - Murad Taha Al-Nahas, Hisham Altaizari,
Ibrahim Bakir, - Mohamed Khaled Aldbibi - Raed Abdel Kader Aldbibi - Zuhair Ahmed Al-Kreidi, Ammar Mohammed Qitaz - Naif Absi Qitaz - Nasser Rabee - Maher Rabee - Khaled Abdul Rahman Alnaus - Sheriff Mohamed Qitaz - Mohamed Ali Shawaf - Abed Jaafar Achardob - Ahmed Mohamed Al-Asfar - Badran Deep Al-Asfar - Qusay Badran Al-Asfar - Mehdi Al-Asfar
Jabal Al-zawieh, Idlib:
Full Shafiq - Musab al-Rifai - Abdel-Wahab Praise - Mohammed Arif happiest - Mustafa Anis Goldfinch - Abdul Basit happiest - Nasser Bkour - Ibrahim Al-Tahir vegetables - Mohammad Absi Goldfinch - Abdul Samad Ahamdo - Mahmoud Ahmed Yousef - Ahmed Nadeem Yousu
Taftanaz, Idleb:
• Mustafa Mohammed Dib Ghazal - Abdul Majeed Rahal - Khalid Mustafa Chenbo - Nadim Shaban - Saher Ali Ghazal - Hassan Abdel-Kader - Ammar Hassan Mohammad – Mohammad Faiq Ghazal - Hazem Mohammed Ghazal - Bilal Mohammed Ghazal - Ahmed Mohammed Ghazal Mohamed Bashir Ghazal - Abdul Ghafoor Nimeh - Raed Ahmed Khatib - Moussa Hussein Khatib - Rami Ahmed Khatib - Hassan Mohamed Alokhan - Mohamed Shaaban Jafar - Yehia Kamel Khatib - Alaa Hassan Mohammad - Mohammad Abdullah Al Ghazal - Mustafa Ahmed Jaban - Omar Mohammed Ghazal - Hassan Ghoneim - Omar Mustafa Shoaib - Mustafa Abdullah Shuaib - Khaled Ali Shuaib - Suhaib Ahmed Ezz - Mohamed Ahmed Shaaban
Manbej - Aleppo Countryside:
• Lawyer, Jumaa Hammadi - pharmacist: Hussein Al-Hamam - Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim (Arabic language Certificate).)
Tal Rifaat, Aleppo:
• Mohammed Hussein Assaf – Anas Qadour
Jarablus, Aleppo:
• Mr. Shadi Jassim, a math teacher - Mohammed Jassim (Abu Talal), an owner of an internet café - Ahmad Al-Ahmad bin Hashim Al Eidan, a university student - Khalid Taher Al-Afan, a student.
Deir ez-Zor:
• Rawad Rashid Awad - Khalil Ibrahim Knama - Ahmed Faraj - Mohammed Tarif Haji Naima - Omar Al-Ghareeb - Hani Aekl - Basil Al-fattih
Abu Kamal:
• Azhar Abu Shakir, was born in 1968 and was arrested in Damascus, Saiedeh Zaynab, at an Internet café.
We, in the organizations defending human rights in Syria, as extend our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims - the dead, with good wishes for a speedy recovery to the wounded, we condemn the continued cycle of violence in Syria, whatever the sources of this violence might be its forms or justification, which is a flagrant violation of the right of life.
We also condemn and strongly denounce the continued arbitrary arrest against the Syrian citizens and express our deep concern over their fate and some of them were named in the context of the statement, We also express our deep concern of the information to confirm the arrest of the wounded from the hospitals and their fate is still unknown, and the closure of some hospitals and offers some of the crew threatened.
We demand security services to stop the arbitrary arrests that take place outside the law and the use of severe torture on a large scale, which claimed the lives of many of the detainees, which constitutes a flagrant violation of fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Syrian Constitution of 1973 and Syria's obligations of international human rights.
We in the organizations defending human rights in Syria, declare our full support for the exercise of all Syrians right of assembly and peaceful protest and express their legitimate demands and see that these demands is right and just and on the Syrian government to move quickly to implement them.
We in the organizations defending human rights in Syria, continue to emphasize the continuity and legitimacy of the demands that we went out to the Syrian government, in order to assume its full responsibilities and work to:
1- An immediate end to the cycle of violence, murder and bloodshed in the Syrian streets, whatever the sources of this violence, its forms and justifications..
2- Make a decision, promptly and effectively, to restore the army to its bases, lift the siege on cities and towns and and activate the principle of neutrality of the army before the internal political differences, and his return to the barracks to perform its job of protecting the homeland and the people, and ensure the unity of the country.
3- Preventing the security forces from intervention in the lives of citizens through the end of the prosecution of citizens, intellectuals and activists, and allowing human rights organizations to operate effectively.
4- To form a judicial commission of inquiry, independent and impartial, fair and transparent, with the participation of representatives of organizations advocating for human rights in Syria, to disclose the emitters of violence and practitioners, and those responsible for the casualties (dead and injured), whether governmental or non-government, and bring them to justice .
5-Take the necessary measures to ensure the effective exercise of the right of peaceful assembly practice.
6- To put all places of detention and arrest of all security agencies under the direct supervision of the judicial scrutiny, and to investigate promptly in the complaints of torture practiced against the detainees and to allow the lawyers to contact their clients in all detention centers.
7- Closure of political arrests and to release all political prisoners and prisoners of opinion and conscience, and all were arrested because of their participation in peaceful gatherings conducted in different Syrian cities, unless he is charged with a recognizably criminal offense and brought to trial promptly and meet the criteria of a fair trial.
8- Immediate disclosure of the fate of missing persons.
9- To ensure basic rights and freedoms of human rights in Syria, through activation of a decree to cancel a state of emergency and martial law..
10- The immediate cessation of all practices of the attack on peaceful demonstrators and innocent citizens, committed by the so-called (the People's Committees), or (what is known Al-Shabeeha), given that the reaction of these elements, is outside the law which requires a referral to the judiciary and punishing them and in holding all their supporters and funders for their activities, as elements in the exercise of violence, and is illegal..
11- To stop practicing the oppressive and excessive use of force by the Syrian authorities which contributed to increasing deterioration in the situation and poor pension and deepen the crisis of community. That practices did not calm the atmosphere and work to find the right solutions with the participation of the Syrians to the different affiliations and persuasions, these solutions would be a real guarantees for the maintenance of the unity of the Syrian society and to ensure a secure democratic future for all its citizens equally, without any exception..
Damascus: 16 \ 8 \ 2011
Organization signed this statement:
• National Organization for Human Rights in Syria.
• Committees for the Defense of Democratic Liberties and Human Rights in Syria (l d h)
• Kurdish Organization for the Defense of Human Rights and Public Freedoms in Syria (DAD) ..
• Arab Organization for Human Rights in Syria.
• Kurdish Committee for Human Rights in Syria (ALRASED).
• Human Rights Organization in Syria - MAF.
Tel. 00963115330005 – Fax. 096393348666
National.Organization @
Dead victims
• Mrs. Ilham Bakdash - Ali Mahmoud Danorah - Sheikh Abdul Rahman Abdul Rahman - Ahmed Sophi - Ahmed Yousef Shuraiki - Riad Chaoui - Nada Hassan Al- Saad and Mohammed Raseem Al-Jisri.
•( Talal Sheikh (Soran
• Abdul Razak Audeh - Hatem Mohamed Aboud - Mamdouh Wael Suleiman Awad - Hatem Abdul Razzaq Abboud - - Maan Mahmoud Al-Sawah - Mamdouh Wael Awad Vaaouri - Ibrahim Al-Khatib Al Rifai - Abdul Samad Abdul Hai Abdul Wahid - Abdul Kareem Abdul-Ghani Siofi - Abdul Latif Abbas - Abdul-Jabbar Mohammed Abbas - Mahmoud Abdo Saad- Edeen.
Qalamoun – Damascus countryside:
• Hossam El Din Ali
• Mr. Mohamed Mustafa Ghazal - teacher of philosophy at the secondary school of Teftanaz about 47 year old) - Abdul Salam al-Khatib (Kafar Roma).)
Arbitrary arrests:
Furthermore, organizations defending human rights in Syria, is still receiving information that confirms the continuation of the Syrian authorities approach of adopting the path of arbitrary arrest outside the law and prosecute political activists, intellectuals, and some Syrian citizens, which constitutes a flagrant violation of fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the Syrian constitution, despite the announcement of the cancellation state of emergency. Widespread daily arrest is still practiced and from those who have been subjected to it is:
• Ahmed Qadri Alheijani - Amro Qadri Alheijani - Ammar Tanatrah - Ibrahim Awad - Omar Alsokhni - Azhar Abu Shakir, born 1968.
Al-Tal, Damascus:
• Ibrahim Idris – Ibrahim Al-Bouni - Ibrahim Al-Habashi - Ibrahim al-Khattab – Hazem Taleb- Haider chemo - Khallouf Obeid - Salem Al-Laham - Safwan Allazkani – Mohamed Afa Al-Rifai - Ibrahim Farhat - Muhammad Al-Ali Ali - Muhammad Salim Al-Laham - Mohammed Abdel-Raouf Salameh - Tariq Abdul-Raouf Salameh - Mutasim Redha Saleh - Mohamed Khaled Hamed.
Hmouria – Damascus countryside:
• Maher Abdo Rajab - Khalil Abdel-Hadi - Mohamed Saeed Abdel Jawad - Basem Abdul Jawad --- Ziad Ganafer - Salah Ganafer - Bashar Bashir Issa - Haitham Ali - Ahmed Hamza - - Mohamed Homos - Amjad Khader Lila - Mohammed Abdul Hadi Lila - Hussein Hassan Tohme - Mahmoud Dib Wanosa - Dr. Badr al-Din Haider - Haitham Abdel-Azim al-Khatib - Nazir Yasin - Abdul Ghani Mustafa Ayas - Mohamed Mufeed Tohme - Abdu Hosni Hamza - Mohamed Hassoun - Mohsen Ismail Al-Zein Ghazal - Ahmad Taj Ataya - Maher Ahmed Taj Ataya..
Ein Menin – Damascus countryside:
• Ezzat Dugha - Essam Zarzour - Sameh Haddaqi
Saqba Damascus Countryside:
• Saber Hamada- Riad Al-Kersh - Abdul Hakim Sardar - Mohsen Zein - Mohamed Zein - Emad Al-Kersh - Imad Amjad Sadek - Saeed Khawaja - Basil Hamed - Abdul Hadi Chakhtot - Mohamed Yassin Chakhtot - Emad El Sheikh - Rafat Abu Al-Zahab – Eyad Mazhar Khamis - Ramiz Musalam Khamis – Nader Musalam Khamis - Yasser Musalam Khamis - Firas Haron - Ghiath Abu Habra - Ziad Tatin - Mahmoud Radhi - Hossam Radhi - Ghassan Quwatli - Mohammed Saeed Al-Sin- Muhammad Rashid al-Hakim.
Katana - Damascus countryside:
• Khaled Bandaqji
Barzeh - Damascus countryside:
• Obeida Ghora - Fahad Bara - Fahad Hinnawi - Ibrahim Bara
Madaya - Damascus countryside:
• Ali Abd al-Jawad Jawad
• Ahmed Qasim - Omar Haj Khalaf - Adnan Khalid Moosa - Adnan Saleh Daher - Hassan Saleh Daher - Bassam Al-Ikesh- Hijazi Al-Ikesh - Mohammed Al-Ikesh - Azzam Mohammed Harmoush
Bosra Al-Sham – Deraa:
• Pharmacist, Haitham Majeed Al-Muqdad
Jassim - Deraa:
• Ahmed Saleh Al-Halaqi - Abdullah Al-Halaqi - Osama Al-Yateem - Ghalib Qwaider - Samer Bakri -Hindi Alzokani - Bassam Ahmed Al-Mahasneh - Mohamed Ismail Al-Halaqi - Mohammad Yousuf Askar - Suleiman Hamza Al-Halaqi - Muhammad Aladdin Al-Halaqi – Bilal Muhammad Al-Halaqi - Abdel-Qader Ali Al-Jilem, Radwan Mohamed Said Al-Jilem - Omar Omira - Firas Al Khatib - Imad Nasser
Mahajeh, Deraa:
• Khalil Moussa Al-Humeir- Qasim Hoshan - Muhammad Okla Hoshan - Fadel Kheirat Shabana - Awad Hoshan - Yamen Emad Al-Jildeh - Mohammed Tayseer Al-Jildeh - Hammoud Yasser - Falah Al-Humeir.
• Mayor of Kafr Napodeh,Jamal Al-Masri, - Dr. Ayman Hamada, Vice President of the Union of Arab Pharmacists - Hamza Rahwan - Dr. Kamal Al Ashkar - Dr. Mustafa Arob
• Aslan Manan
• Nabil Laila - Ali Hasaki - Adnan Al-Jundi - Bashar al-Hamouda - Ahmed Bayrakdar (Rahman mosque muezzin in Lattakia) - Rami Aliu - Abdul Rahman Al-Arnaout
• Abdel Hamid Ibrahim Gharibi, Muhannad Mohammed Dib Kharfan, Musab Zakaria Kharfan, Mahmoud Zarzour, Abdullah Mustafa Moussa, Safwan Sadiq Ghadiri, Rakan Subhi Badra, Mahmoud Ali Rahibeh, Nizar Sameh Sukheita, Yehia Sameh Sukheita , Mustafa Dibo Barbour, Ghaith Ameen Tracy, Muhammad Ali Baroudi, Muhammad Adnan Faham, , Mohamed Ahmed Shihan , Mohamed Ahmed Al-Naeb.
Ma'arrat Numan – Idlib:
• Juma Luhayeb, Fadi Mohammed Al-Mandeel, - Murad Taha Al-Nahas, Hisham Altaizari,
Ibrahim Bakir, - Mohamed Khaled Aldbibi - Raed Abdel Kader Aldbibi - Zuhair Ahmed Al-Kreidi, Ammar Mohammed Qitaz - Naif Absi Qitaz - Nasser Rabee - Maher Rabee - Khaled Abdul Rahman Alnaus - Sheriff Mohamed Qitaz - Mohamed Ali Shawaf - Abed Jaafar Achardob - Ahmed Mohamed Al-Asfar - Badran Deep Al-Asfar - Qusay Badran Al-Asfar - Mehdi Al-Asfar
Jabal Al-zawieh, Idlib:
Full Shafiq - Musab al-Rifai - Abdel-Wahab Praise - Mohammed Arif happiest - Mustafa Anis Goldfinch - Abdul Basit happiest - Nasser Bkour - Ibrahim Al-Tahir vegetables - Mohammad Absi Goldfinch - Abdul Samad Ahamdo - Mahmoud Ahmed Yousef - Ahmed Nadeem Yousu
Taftanaz, Idleb:
• Mustafa Mohammed Dib Ghazal - Abdul Majeed Rahal - Khalid Mustafa Chenbo - Nadim Shaban - Saher Ali Ghazal - Hassan Abdel-Kader - Ammar Hassan Mohammad – Mohammad Faiq Ghazal - Hazem Mohammed Ghazal - Bilal Mohammed Ghazal - Ahmed Mohammed Ghazal Mohamed Bashir Ghazal - Abdul Ghafoor Nimeh - Raed Ahmed Khatib - Moussa Hussein Khatib - Rami Ahmed Khatib - Hassan Mohamed Alokhan - Mohamed Shaaban Jafar - Yehia Kamel Khatib - Alaa Hassan Mohammad - Mohammad Abdullah Al Ghazal - Mustafa Ahmed Jaban - Omar Mohammed Ghazal - Hassan Ghoneim - Omar Mustafa Shoaib - Mustafa Abdullah Shuaib - Khaled Ali Shuaib - Suhaib Ahmed Ezz - Mohamed Ahmed Shaaban
Manbej - Aleppo Countryside:
• Lawyer, Jumaa Hammadi - pharmacist: Hussein Al-Hamam - Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim (Arabic language Certificate).)
Tal Rifaat, Aleppo:
• Mohammed Hussein Assaf – Anas Qadour
Jarablus, Aleppo:
• Mr. Shadi Jassim, a math teacher - Mohammed Jassim (Abu Talal), an owner of an internet café - Ahmad Al-Ahmad bin Hashim Al Eidan, a university student - Khalid Taher Al-Afan, a student.
Deir ez-Zor:
• Rawad Rashid Awad - Khalil Ibrahim Knama - Ahmed Faraj - Mohammed Tarif Haji Naima - Omar Al-Ghareeb - Hani Aekl - Basil Al-fattih
Abu Kamal:
• Azhar Abu Shakir, was born in 1968 and was arrested in Damascus, Saiedeh Zaynab, at an Internet café.
We, in the organizations defending human rights in Syria, as extend our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims - the dead, with good wishes for a speedy recovery to the wounded, we condemn the continued cycle of violence in Syria, whatever the sources of this violence might be its forms or justification, which is a flagrant violation of the right of life.
We also condemn and strongly denounce the continued arbitrary arrest against the Syrian citizens and express our deep concern over their fate and some of them were named in the context of the statement, We also express our deep concern of the information to confirm the arrest of the wounded from the hospitals and their fate is still unknown, and the closure of some hospitals and offers some of the crew threatened.
We demand security services to stop the arbitrary arrests that take place outside the law and the use of severe torture on a large scale, which claimed the lives of many of the detainees, which constitutes a flagrant violation of fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Syrian Constitution of 1973 and Syria's obligations of international human rights.
We in the organizations defending human rights in Syria, declare our full support for the exercise of all Syrians right of assembly and peaceful protest and express their legitimate demands and see that these demands is right and just and on the Syrian government to move quickly to implement them.
We in the organizations defending human rights in Syria, continue to emphasize the continuity and legitimacy of the demands that we went out to the Syrian government, in order to assume its full responsibilities and work to:
1- An immediate end to the cycle of violence, murder and bloodshed in the Syrian streets, whatever the sources of this violence, its forms and justifications..
2- Make a decision, promptly and effectively, to restore the army to its bases, lift the siege on cities and towns and and activate the principle of neutrality of the army before the internal political differences, and his return to the barracks to perform its job of protecting the homeland and the people, and ensure the unity of the country.
3- Preventing the security forces from intervention in the lives of citizens through the end of the prosecution of citizens, intellectuals and activists, and allowing human rights organizations to operate effectively.
4- To form a judicial commission of inquiry, independent and impartial, fair and transparent, with the participation of representatives of organizations advocating for human rights in Syria, to disclose the emitters of violence and practitioners, and those responsible for the casualties (dead and injured), whether governmental or non-government, and bring them to justice .
5-Take the necessary measures to ensure the effective exercise of the right of peaceful assembly practice.
6- To put all places of detention and arrest of all security agencies under the direct supervision of the judicial scrutiny, and to investigate promptly in the complaints of torture practiced against the detainees and to allow the lawyers to contact their clients in all detention centers.
7- Closure of political arrests and to release all political prisoners and prisoners of opinion and conscience, and all were arrested because of their participation in peaceful gatherings conducted in different Syrian cities, unless he is charged with a recognizably criminal offense and brought to trial promptly and meet the criteria of a fair trial.
8- Immediate disclosure of the fate of missing persons.
9- To ensure basic rights and freedoms of human rights in Syria, through activation of a decree to cancel a state of emergency and martial law..
10- The immediate cessation of all practices of the attack on peaceful demonstrators and innocent citizens, committed by the so-called (the People's Committees), or (what is known Al-Shabeeha), given that the reaction of these elements, is outside the law which requires a referral to the judiciary and punishing them and in holding all their supporters and funders for their activities, as elements in the exercise of violence, and is illegal..
11- To stop practicing the oppressive and excessive use of force by the Syrian authorities which contributed to increasing deterioration in the situation and poor pension and deepen the crisis of community. That practices did not calm the atmosphere and work to find the right solutions with the participation of the Syrians to the different affiliations and persuasions, these solutions would be a real guarantees for the maintenance of the unity of the Syrian society and to ensure a secure democratic future for all its citizens equally, without any exception..
Damascus: 16 \ 8 \ 2011
Organization signed this statement:
• National Organization for Human Rights in Syria.
• Committees for the Defense of Democratic Liberties and Human Rights in Syria (l d h)
• Kurdish Organization for the Defense of Human Rights and Public Freedoms in Syria (DAD) ..
• Arab Organization for Human Rights in Syria.
• Kurdish Committee for Human Rights in Syria (ALRASED).
• Human Rights Organization in Syria - MAF.
Tel. 00963115330005 – Fax. 096393348666
National.Organization @
Posted by الدكتور أحمد جمعة
Forty martyrs on "Victory Promises Friday"
On a new bloody Friday, the regime launched a war against the Syrians, after Bashar al-Assad's announcement to the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon to stop military operations.
At least forty people have been killed:
Al-Hirak, Deraa:
1 - Mohamed Mahmoud Attia Hariri
2 - Hossam Jadallah Al-Qaddah
3 - Mohamed Ibrahim Salamat
4 - Amir Turkmani
5 - Emad Quman
Ghabagheb, Deraa:
1 - Muhammad Ali Al-Samra, a direct hit in the head and heart
2 - Jamal Nazeer Al-ashish - a direct hit heart
3 - Isam Khalil Abboud - a direct hit in the head
4 - Basil Anwar Al-Qaed
5 - Mohamed Omar Sharaf, 11 years child -
6 - Mohammed Badr-Edeen Al-Najem, 15 years old
7 - Mahmoud Mohamed Djirodi
8 – a female child, 3 years old
Nawa, Deraa:
Haj Mutlaq Qaddah, 72 years old
Inkhel, Deraa:
Nader Alfaroan
Haytham Mamdouh Rifai Wazeer, 18 years old from Alsutanieh.
Samir Hafiz (Alaqrabees)
(Khalid Adnan Alboidani, 24 years old (Bab Amro
Firas Bohlaq, 20 years old (Khalidiya district)
Marwan Al-Sakka, 60 years old (Khalidiya district)
Emad Khauoj (Khalidiya district)
Amjad Hojak Al-Hula (Aqrab)
Bassam Al-Hallak Al- Hula (Aqrab)
Ahmed Al-Hallak Al- Hula (Aqrab))
Mohamed Al-Halabi, 26 years old, Hula (Aqrab)
Sheikh Basem Al-Raheel Al-Hula (Aqrab)
Ali Falaha Al-Raja (Aqrab)
Palmyra (Tadmur):
Nawras Askar Al-Hafiz, 21 years old
Mohammed 'Adnan Fares, 12 years
Saif Tawfiq Al-Qayem
Omar Jabara
Haya Zoubi, 17 years old
Afifa Al-Sabi
Khalid Alkhabsa
Damascus Countryside:
Ahmed Ali Mohsen Rahibi
Harasta, Damascus Countryside:
Basem Rahim Al-Beik, born in 1982
Duma, Damascus Countryside:
Mohammed Mowaffaq Abdul Majeed, 31 years old, his body is held in Tishreen military hospital.
Jabal Al-Zaweih, Idlib:
Ramez Almustaf
Talal Almustaf
3 - Nora Lata, 80 years
Dr. Ammar Qurabi, head of the National Organization for Human Rights
Al-Hirak, Deraa:
1 - Mohamed Mahmoud Attia Hariri
2 - Hossam Jadallah Al-Qaddah
3 - Mohamed Ibrahim Salamat
4 - Amir Turkmani
5 - Emad Quman
Ghabagheb, Deraa:
1 - Muhammad Ali Al-Samra, a direct hit in the head and heart
2 - Jamal Nazeer Al-ashish - a direct hit heart
3 - Isam Khalil Abboud - a direct hit in the head
4 - Basil Anwar Al-Qaed
5 - Mohamed Omar Sharaf, 11 years child -
6 - Mohammed Badr-Edeen Al-Najem, 15 years old
7 - Mahmoud Mohamed Djirodi
8 – a female child, 3 years old
Nawa, Deraa:
Haj Mutlaq Qaddah, 72 years old
Inkhel, Deraa:
Nader Alfaroan
Haytham Mamdouh Rifai Wazeer, 18 years old from Alsutanieh.
Samir Hafiz (Alaqrabees)
(Khalid Adnan Alboidani, 24 years old (Bab Amro
Firas Bohlaq, 20 years old (Khalidiya district)
Marwan Al-Sakka, 60 years old (Khalidiya district)
Emad Khauoj (Khalidiya district)
Amjad Hojak Al-Hula (Aqrab)
Bassam Al-Hallak Al- Hula (Aqrab)
Ahmed Al-Hallak Al- Hula (Aqrab))
Mohamed Al-Halabi, 26 years old, Hula (Aqrab)
Sheikh Basem Al-Raheel Al-Hula (Aqrab)
Ali Falaha Al-Raja (Aqrab)
Palmyra (Tadmur):
Nawras Askar Al-Hafiz, 21 years old
Mohammed 'Adnan Fares, 12 years
Saif Tawfiq Al-Qayem
Omar Jabara
Haya Zoubi, 17 years old
Afifa Al-Sabi
Khalid Alkhabsa
Damascus Countryside:
Ahmed Ali Mohsen Rahibi
Harasta, Damascus Countryside:
Basem Rahim Al-Beik, born in 1982
Duma, Damascus Countryside:
Mohammed Mowaffaq Abdul Majeed, 31 years old, his body is held in Tishreen military hospital.
Jabal Al-Zaweih, Idlib:
Ramez Almustaf
Talal Almustaf
3 - Nora Lata, 80 years
Dr. Ammar Qurabi, head of the National Organization for Human Rights
20 \ 8 \ 2011
Tel. 00963115330005 Fax. 096393348666
National.Organization @
Tel. 00963115330005 Fax. 096393348666
National.Organization @
Posted by الدكتور أحمد جمعة
UN Rights Council to Probe Syrian Violence

The 47-member council voted Tuesday to approve a resolution by a 33 - 4 margin, with the rest of the members abstaining. China and Russia were among those that opposed the measure, saying it was an unnecessary intervention.
The council's action comes a day after witnesses and rights groups said Syrian forces killed eight people as thousands of anti-government protesters taunted President Bashar al-Assad.
The witnesses said several hundred people converged on the main square in the central city of Homs Monday after a U.N. humanitarian team visited the town. Pro-government troops fired on the protesters, many of whom had shouted "Gadhafi is gone; now it is your turn, Bashar!" Six people were reported killed.
Similar demonstrations were held in other Syrian cities, including Hama, where two more civilians were reported killed.
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navy Pillay (File)
Earlier Monday, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, Navi Pillay, said the Syrian government has resorted to an apparent "shoot-to-kill" policy against civilians. She told the U.N. Human Rights Council that more than 2,200 people have been killed in the unrest. The U.N. special rapporteur on torture, Juan Mendez, also briefed the council Monday, saying the "threshold of systematic and widespread violence has clearly been reached."
All four Arab nations on the U.N. body - Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia - joined calls condemning the violence and urged Syria to cooperate with an international investigation on whether crimes against humanity have been committed in the country. The U.N. team in Homs had been granted permission to visit some of the protest centers to assess the humanitarian situation in those locations.
Also Monday, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said it is "troubling" that Assad has not kept his word about ending the brutal military crackdown in his country.
Ban told reporters in New York that the Syrian president assured him in a recent phone conversation that military operations had stopped.
The Syrian leader has defended his crackdown by describing the opposition as armed gangs and terrorists. He also said criticism from Western countries means nothing to him.
The United States, the European Union and other Western powers have said that Assad must step down.
The Syrian leader repeated plans to introduce reforms, adding that he expects new elections for Syria's national assembly in six months. He said that laws on the establishment of new political parties will be ready in the next few days, and that people who want to create a new party will have a 45-day period to apply through a committee.
Middle East RSS Feed August 23, 2011
UN Rights Council to Probe Syrian Violence
VOA News
Posted by الدكتور أحمد جمعة
رسالة من متظاهر في سوريا
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله
وصلتني هذه الرسالة صباح اليوم الثلاثاء من أحد الشبان في الداخل
يرجى قراءتها بعناية
مع خالص تحياتي
بلال داود
بالمختصر المفيد
لا يخفى على احد ان النظام السوري يفعل المستحيل للحفاظ على وجوده سواء من استعمال اساليب الاعتقال و التعذيب و القتل و الارهاب كل ذلك في سبيل الحفاظ على وجوده
بالمقابل المتظاهرون السوريون في جميع المناطق يقومون بالتظاهر رغم كل هذا الارهاب
ما اريد قوله
و هذا الكلام موجه بالاخص الى اخواننا المعارضين في الخارج و على ما اعتقد اغلب المتظاهرين في الداخل يوافقوني بالراي فيما سأقول
الثورة السورية في خطر نعم في خطر
بسبب تجاهل الجميع لامر هام جدا و هو حماية المتظاهرين
المتظاهرين بالرغم من سلميتهم و استمرار خروجهم على مدار 6 اشهر و رغم كل شيء مازالو يحاولون الصمود
و النظام يعول على عامل الزمن الذي اصبح الآن في صالحه
المتظاهرون لن يستمرو الى الابد بالتظاهر اذا لم توفر لهم حماية
و للأسف سنجد ان اعداد المتظاهرين ستنحسر هذا اذا لم تكن قد بدأت بالفعل بالانحسار
و كذلك المناطق التي يتم بها التظاهر ستنتقل الى مناطق اقل اهمية
لذلك الرجاء العمل على طلب حماية دولية للمتظاهرين السلميين و الذي يريد ان يسميني خائن فأنا خائن لاني اطلب الحماية لي و لاهلي و للمتظاهرين من عصابات القتل و جيش الاحتلال السوري الذي لم يتوانى بالدفاع عن آل الاسد في حين ان اهلنا في الجولان كانو دائما يستنجدون بالجيش الذي لم يحرك ساكنا ابدا
فمن هو خائف من المعارضين بالخارج من ان يطلق عليه لقب خائن ارجو منه ان ياتي و يتظاهر
سلميا و بدون حماية و سوف نرى كم سيستمر بالتظاهر هذا اذا خرج للتظاهر بالاصل
ارجو ان تكون الفكرة قد وصلت
فأنا اطلب الحماية الدولية من مجلس الامن للشعب السوري من بطش النظام القائم في سورية و جيشه الخائن
ارجو التعميم و النشر على جميع المواقع و عرضها على اصحاب الصلات مع الدول بالخارج
و لتكون لافتاتنا و شعاراتنا في المظاهرا منذ اليوم (الشعب السوري يطلب الحماية الدولية)
رسال من متظاهر في سوريا.
zuhir sibai
Subject: FW: [yabaladi] Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2011 13:08:28 +0000
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2011 06:01:26 -0700
Subject: [yabaladi]
وصلتني هذه الرسالة صباح اليوم الثلاثاء من أحد الشبان في الداخل
يرجى قراءتها بعناية
مع خالص تحياتي
بلال داود
بالمختصر المفيد
لا يخفى على احد ان النظام السوري يفعل المستحيل للحفاظ على وجوده سواء من استعمال اساليب الاعتقال و التعذيب و القتل و الارهاب كل ذلك في سبيل الحفاظ على وجوده
بالمقابل المتظاهرون السوريون في جميع المناطق يقومون بالتظاهر رغم كل هذا الارهاب
ما اريد قوله
و هذا الكلام موجه بالاخص الى اخواننا المعارضين في الخارج و على ما اعتقد اغلب المتظاهرين في الداخل يوافقوني بالراي فيما سأقول
الثورة السورية في خطر نعم في خطر
بسبب تجاهل الجميع لامر هام جدا و هو حماية المتظاهرين
المتظاهرين بالرغم من سلميتهم و استمرار خروجهم على مدار 6 اشهر و رغم كل شيء مازالو يحاولون الصمود
و النظام يعول على عامل الزمن الذي اصبح الآن في صالحه
المتظاهرون لن يستمرو الى الابد بالتظاهر اذا لم توفر لهم حماية
و للأسف سنجد ان اعداد المتظاهرين ستنحسر هذا اذا لم تكن قد بدأت بالفعل بالانحسار
و كذلك المناطق التي يتم بها التظاهر ستنتقل الى مناطق اقل اهمية
لذلك الرجاء العمل على طلب حماية دولية للمتظاهرين السلميين و الذي يريد ان يسميني خائن فأنا خائن لاني اطلب الحماية لي و لاهلي و للمتظاهرين من عصابات القتل و جيش الاحتلال السوري الذي لم يتوانى بالدفاع عن آل الاسد في حين ان اهلنا في الجولان كانو دائما يستنجدون بالجيش الذي لم يحرك ساكنا ابدا
فمن هو خائف من المعارضين بالخارج من ان يطلق عليه لقب خائن ارجو منه ان ياتي و يتظاهر
سلميا و بدون حماية و سوف نرى كم سيستمر بالتظاهر هذا اذا خرج للتظاهر بالاصل
ارجو ان تكون الفكرة قد وصلت
فأنا اطلب الحماية الدولية من مجلس الامن للشعب السوري من بطش النظام القائم في سورية و جيشه الخائن
ارجو التعميم و النشر على جميع المواقع و عرضها على اصحاب الصلات مع الدول بالخارج
و لتكون لافتاتنا و شعاراتنا في المظاهرا منذ اليوم (الشعب السوري يطلب الحماية الدولية)
رسال من متظاهر في سوريا.
zuhir sibai
Subject: FW: [yabaladi] Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2011 13:08:28 +0000
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2011 06:01:26 -0700
Subject: [yabaladi]
رسالة من أحد الشباب اللذين اعتصموا اليوم 22 رمضان في ساحة الحرية بحمص
zuhir sibai
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2011 09:48:38 +1000
علمنا البارحة بوصول وفد الامم المتحدة لمدينة حمص
فقررنا الخروج في مظاهرة في مركز المدينة عند ساحة الحرية _ ساحة الساعة سابقا _
و كان ذلك عندما خرجنا بمظاهرة حاشدة من الجامع الكبير في السوق و ذلك اليوم الاثنين 22 /8/2011
بعد صلاة الظهر
...و توجهنا ألى ساحة الحرية حيث كان الشبيحة و قوات الأمن موجودين و لكنهم لم يتدخلو بسبب وجود وفد الأمم المتحدة في ذات المكان
دخل الوفد المؤلف من عدة سيارات بين المتظاهرين فقمنا بالاحتفال بهم و رفع لافتات تحمل مطالبنا باللغة الانكليزية
كما قمنا بجلب الأزهار و أغصان الأشجار لنهديها لهم
كما طلبنا منهم حمايتنا من بطش القوات الأسدية الموجودة على بعد أمتار خلفنا
و لكن الصدمة كانت أنهم تجاهلونا بشكل تام
فقمنا بقرع الشبابيك و قلنا لهم
Talk to us please
و يستمر التجاهل
Just one second please
فاستمرو بتجاهلهم لنا و اكتفو بتصويرنا من داخل سياراتهم و كأننا مخلوقات
فضائية أو شحادين عندهم
و انطلقو مسرعين خارجين من شارع عبد الحميد الدروبي علما أنهم يعرفون أن الشبيحة و الأمن متمركزين وراءنا
و يعرفون أن وجودهم - الوفد - بيننا هو الرادع الوحيد الذي يمنع القوات الأسدية من التدخل
مع ذلك ضرب وفد حقوق الانسان أبسط حق للانسان و هو سلامة المتظاهرين اللذين لا يملكون سوى صدورهم العارية بعرض الحائط و خذلونا و تخلو عنا
و فعلا بعد مغادرة الوفد بثواني معدودة فتحت القوات الأسدية جبهة حرب بشكل مباشر على المتظاهرين العزل مما أدى إلى استشهاد عدد منهم و العديد من الإصابات المتفاوتة
) لا توجد احصائية للمجزرة حتى وقت كتابة هذه الرسالة (
بالإضافة لآثار تخريبية واضحة في المنطقة
و حملة اعتقالا عشوائية و ملاحقة للمصابين من قبل شبيحة بلباس مدني
و مع كل هذه الانتهاكات لحقوق الانسان
استمر الوفد بالتطنيش
و لذلك نعتبره شريكا حقيرا بقتل الشعب السوري
حيث أننا أحسسنا بالأمان بسبب وجوده
ولكنه خذلنا و شارك في قتلنا
و يوجد مئات الشهود على القصة التي أرويها
بالآضافة لكونها موثقة بالفيديو
أرجو الإيصال إلى جميع منظمات حقوق الانسان و الشبكات الإخبارية
شاهد عيان على مجزرة وفد الأمم المتحدة لحقوق الإنسان
حمص 22 /8 / 2011
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2011 09:48:38 +1000
علمنا البارحة بوصول وفد الامم المتحدة لمدينة حمص
فقررنا الخروج في مظاهرة في مركز المدينة عند ساحة الحرية _ ساحة الساعة سابقا _
و كان ذلك عندما خرجنا بمظاهرة حاشدة من الجامع الكبير في السوق و ذلك اليوم الاثنين 22 /8/2011
بعد صلاة الظهر
...و توجهنا ألى ساحة الحرية حيث كان الشبيحة و قوات الأمن موجودين و لكنهم لم يتدخلو بسبب وجود وفد الأمم المتحدة في ذات المكان
دخل الوفد المؤلف من عدة سيارات بين المتظاهرين فقمنا بالاحتفال بهم و رفع لافتات تحمل مطالبنا باللغة الانكليزية
كما قمنا بجلب الأزهار و أغصان الأشجار لنهديها لهم
كما طلبنا منهم حمايتنا من بطش القوات الأسدية الموجودة على بعد أمتار خلفنا
و لكن الصدمة كانت أنهم تجاهلونا بشكل تام
فقمنا بقرع الشبابيك و قلنا لهم
Talk to us please
و يستمر التجاهل
Just one second please
فاستمرو بتجاهلهم لنا و اكتفو بتصويرنا من داخل سياراتهم و كأننا مخلوقات
فضائية أو شحادين عندهم
و انطلقو مسرعين خارجين من شارع عبد الحميد الدروبي علما أنهم يعرفون أن الشبيحة و الأمن متمركزين وراءنا
و يعرفون أن وجودهم - الوفد - بيننا هو الرادع الوحيد الذي يمنع القوات الأسدية من التدخل
مع ذلك ضرب وفد حقوق الانسان أبسط حق للانسان و هو سلامة المتظاهرين اللذين لا يملكون سوى صدورهم العارية بعرض الحائط و خذلونا و تخلو عنا
و فعلا بعد مغادرة الوفد بثواني معدودة فتحت القوات الأسدية جبهة حرب بشكل مباشر على المتظاهرين العزل مما أدى إلى استشهاد عدد منهم و العديد من الإصابات المتفاوتة
) لا توجد احصائية للمجزرة حتى وقت كتابة هذه الرسالة (
بالإضافة لآثار تخريبية واضحة في المنطقة
و حملة اعتقالا عشوائية و ملاحقة للمصابين من قبل شبيحة بلباس مدني
و مع كل هذه الانتهاكات لحقوق الانسان
استمر الوفد بالتطنيش
و لذلك نعتبره شريكا حقيرا بقتل الشعب السوري
حيث أننا أحسسنا بالأمان بسبب وجوده
ولكنه خذلنا و شارك في قتلنا
و يوجد مئات الشهود على القصة التي أرويها
بالآضافة لكونها موثقة بالفيديو
أرجو الإيصال إلى جميع منظمات حقوق الانسان و الشبكات الإخبارية
شاهد عيان على مجزرة وفد الأمم المتحدة لحقوق الإنسان
حمص 22 /8 / 2011
Posted by الدكتور أحمد جمعة
Syria has H4ck3rz team of 67 who have attacked Turkey, Israel and Britain
The country which follows in a terrible battle for maintenance of the system of the beloved Al-Assad on one side and by the end of the oppressive regime of Al-Assad on the other. It seems to be divided. Yes. The one hand the Syrian government. On the other hand the Syrian people.
With the explosion of advertising their atrocities on the web, Al-Assad has invested a lot until they released the "implementation of reforms" towards democracy. The Syrian government then created a virtual host her own group called "Army Syrian-mail" (Syriana Army-mail) that acts in parallel as a group "Eros Battalion."
The group of mostly young and searching the information revolution and international authorities following comments with the intent to punish each person according to their demonstration against Al-Assad.
A democracy that does not allow the opposition and who already have young that time to respond:
"We saw the Syrian attack, electronic media, and the ferocious attack on our beloved country Syria, decided to respond violently"
This group claimed responsibility for the attack on the British government websites "Okehampton" and the site of the "City of Patchway" having destroyed the database in response to warnings to immediately stop the massacre of civilians, which they described as a "response to the way racist dealing with the internal affairs of Syria. "
In addition to the British Web site, assume they have attacked at least 15 government sites in Turkey and the latest attack, which was known to the mainstream media, the attack on the hacker group "anonimous" in response to their attacks on the website of the Ministry of Defence Syria.
In all these attacks on government websites, it is believed that the goal (based on what was presented by the group) has been the attack on the database client newsletters.
In twitter, still working with several profiles, including the "@syriansoldier1" @halamahfoud and the "@HassanFSY."
Its activities consist of Twitter confusing information disclosed in the media or distort the information coming out of Syria to the outside. They also create alerts when events occur, describing details and location of the street where they occur. Anyway they work against the tide of international information and fight the revolution in Syria.
Today, a video that was released in the morning as a protester being gunned down by security forces hours later he was released by Syrian sites as a civilian who was attacked by terrorists.
So they seek to change the information that is disclosed, erasing the original logo which appears in the video and applying the right of Syria on it as a complaint made by them.
They support their attacks on Israel and follow all the major international news sources and Syrian to then refute them up with insults and violent threats, and distort them. This activity is described as a hacker in the middle "defacements". Destroy or disrupt all visually attack.
So the Syrian regime continues on the web that actually does in real life and tries to disguise with the flimsy packaging and soothing voice of Al-Assad.
Original source in portuguese:
By Saulo Valley - Rio de Janeiro, August 22, 2011 - 18:42.
With the explosion of advertising their atrocities on the web, Al-Assad has invested a lot until they released the "implementation of reforms" towards democracy. The Syrian government then created a virtual host her own group called "Army Syrian-mail" (Syriana Army-mail) that acts in parallel as a group "Eros Battalion."
The group of mostly young and searching the information revolution and international authorities following comments with the intent to punish each person according to their demonstration against Al-Assad.
A democracy that does not allow the opposition and who already have young that time to respond:
"We saw the Syrian attack, electronic media, and the ferocious attack on our beloved country Syria, decided to respond violently"
This group claimed responsibility for the attack on the British government websites "Okehampton" and the site of the "City of Patchway" having destroyed the database in response to warnings to immediately stop the massacre of civilians, which they described as a "response to the way racist dealing with the internal affairs of Syria. "
In addition to the British Web site, assume they have attacked at least 15 government sites in Turkey and the latest attack, which was known to the mainstream media, the attack on the hacker group "anonimous" in response to their attacks on the website of the Ministry of Defence Syria.
In all these attacks on government websites, it is believed that the goal (based on what was presented by the group) has been the attack on the database client newsletters.
In twitter, still working with several profiles, including the "@syriansoldier1" @halamahfoud and the "@HassanFSY."
Its activities consist of Twitter confusing information disclosed in the media or distort the information coming out of Syria to the outside. They also create alerts when events occur, describing details and location of the street where they occur. Anyway they work against the tide of international information and fight the revolution in Syria.
Today, a video that was released in the morning as a protester being gunned down by security forces hours later he was released by Syrian sites as a civilian who was attacked by terrorists.
So they seek to change the information that is disclosed, erasing the original logo which appears in the video and applying the right of Syria on it as a complaint made by them.
They support their attacks on Israel and follow all the major international news sources and Syrian to then refute them up with insults and violent threats, and distort them. This activity is described as a hacker in the middle "defacements". Destroy or disrupt all visually attack.
So the Syrian regime continues on the web that actually does in real life and tries to disguise with the flimsy packaging and soothing voice of Al-Assad.
Original source in portuguese:
August 22, 2011
Posted by Unknown
Syria: Using maximum brute force against protesters and execution of prisoners.
A few days ago was told by "Saulo Valley Blog" about 22 thousand soldiers were imprisoned in the penitentiary of Palmyra were at risk of being executed. 3 days after the news of the arrests were being burned. Yesterday videos that prove the crime could be sent out of Syria. The images are strong and are only being presented to prove the crime.
By Saulo Valley-Rio de Janeiro, August 22, 2011 - 09:45. Actualization: 16h03
Cleaning is following its course in an increasingly violent and free. The world is muted and the permissive attitude of the Arab world. At the point of security forces that act on the internet to thank Brazil, China, Russia, India and South Africa for supporting the Assad regime.
Video: blatant security forces running biker named Raed, who was a journalist who worked for the Syrian news agency Homs (HNN).
Yesterday was informed by the National Human Rights Organization in Syria through which the entrepreneur BlogHumans Dr Eng Mahmoud Farzah which is one of the most important industrial Syrian was arrested without charges presented. Dr. Mahmaoud 60 old and is diabetic.
Video: While the Internet pro-Assad accused terrorists from placing snipers on rooftops, the images we have are these:
With the announcement of the entry of a special team of UN / UNRWA to assess the conditions of Palestinian camps in Syria, they were attacked by security forces pro-Assad last week, which caused the flight of some 7,000 refugees, officials government made a major reform in the locations of attacks in preparation for the arrival of the special committee.
Eyewitnesses said there was a work of gardening, planting flowers, cleaning the blood in the streets, collecting corpses. According to residents, the team was escorted by security forces is the only local team that prepared the "cleaning". But although the team insist on visiting the UNRWA camp of Al-Ramel, protesters said there were a lot of young people and teenagers trapped in the "Bin Yousef Nadaf School."
They say they have intimidated by soldiers and tanks around, passersby were randomly assigned to record interviews on the theme "peace" in the region.
Witnesses also told that while the team toured the sites prepared for your arrival, a campaign to break into houses was begun in "Qnaines, Seidawi Bustan, and the town of Salma where more than 20 Palestinian refugees were arrested."
Even with all the repression protesters still took to the streets in the regions of Sleibeh, Berqidar Seidawi and Bustan.
Video: This morning heavy fire continued in the neighborhood of Homs Rastan. In the video, the ammunition can be seen across the skies of the neighborhood as black protesters seeking ways to return to the streets in protests that are already at the home of six months.
Syrian Finance
For each U.S. dollar, 70 Syrian pounds are required. A devaluation that tends to get worse. Protesters have denounced the Syrian Pounds false spill in the country:
Escape currency
A team of hackers twitter Al-Assad in Damascus, said that about 27 million pounds were confiscated by a special government office. According to the source, the money was being sent out of the country in a public vehicle:
The attacks by the Syrian government are not only against human life. He has destroyed entire towns and estates. The following video shows a number of cars completely destroyed after being crushed by army tanks. Before they just smashed motorcycles. Now cars have been constant targets since the beginning of last week.
Original Source in portuguese:
By Saulo Valley-Rio de Janeiro, August 22, 2011 - 09:45. Actualization: 16h03
Cleaning is following its course in an increasingly violent and free. The world is muted and the permissive attitude of the Arab world. At the point of security forces that act on the internet to thank Brazil, China, Russia, India and South Africa for supporting the Assad regime.
Video: blatant security forces running biker named Raed, who was a journalist who worked for the Syrian news agency Homs (HNN).
Yesterday was informed by the National Human Rights Organization in Syria through which the entrepreneur BlogHumans Dr Eng Mahmoud Farzah which is one of the most important industrial Syrian was arrested without charges presented. Dr. Mahmaoud 60 old and is diabetic.
Video: While the Internet pro-Assad accused terrorists from placing snipers on rooftops, the images we have are these:
With the announcement of the entry of a special team of UN / UNRWA to assess the conditions of Palestinian camps in Syria, they were attacked by security forces pro-Assad last week, which caused the flight of some 7,000 refugees, officials government made a major reform in the locations of attacks in preparation for the arrival of the special committee.
Eyewitnesses said there was a work of gardening, planting flowers, cleaning the blood in the streets, collecting corpses. According to residents, the team was escorted by security forces is the only local team that prepared the "cleaning". But although the team insist on visiting the UNRWA camp of Al-Ramel, protesters said there were a lot of young people and teenagers trapped in the "Bin Yousef Nadaf School."
They say they have intimidated by soldiers and tanks around, passersby were randomly assigned to record interviews on the theme "peace" in the region.
Witnesses also told that while the team toured the sites prepared for your arrival, a campaign to break into houses was begun in "Qnaines, Seidawi Bustan, and the town of Salma where more than 20 Palestinian refugees were arrested."
Even with all the repression protesters still took to the streets in the regions of Sleibeh, Berqidar Seidawi and Bustan.
Video: This morning heavy fire continued in the neighborhood of Homs Rastan. In the video, the ammunition can be seen across the skies of the neighborhood as black protesters seeking ways to return to the streets in protests that are already at the home of six months.
Syrian Finance
For each U.S. dollar, 70 Syrian pounds are required. A devaluation that tends to get worse. Protesters have denounced the Syrian Pounds false spill in the country:
Escape currency
A team of hackers twitter Al-Assad in Damascus, said that about 27 million pounds were confiscated by a special government office. According to the source, the money was being sent out of the country in a public vehicle:
"Syria: الجهات المختصة في أمانة مركز الدبوسية تصادر نحو 27 مليون ليرة سورية معدة للتهريب في سيارة عامة"
The attacks by the Syrian government are not only against human life. He has destroyed entire towns and estates. The following video shows a number of cars completely destroyed after being crushed by army tanks. Before they just smashed motorcycles. Now cars have been constant targets since the beginning of last week.
Original Source in portuguese:
Posted by Unknown
الشبيحة يزرعون الورد في مخيم الرمل لقناة الدنيا والأونروا
ملخص أحداث الثورة السورية
اليوم 159: السبت، 20آب/أغسطس 2011
قامت قناة الدنيا والسورية الإخبارية بزيارة حي الرمل الجنوبي لتصويرها بعد أن قام الأمن والشبيحة بتنظيف منطقة ساحة الرمل وتهجير أهلها من أجل زيارة متوقعة للأونروا. وقامت المحطات بتصوير المنطقة بعد تجميل الأمن لها وزراعة الورود فيها على أنّها العيّنة الأساسيّة في المخيّم. وأرغم الأمن بعض المارّين بإجراء مقابلات "عفوية" مع القنوات للتحدث عن أمان المنطقة وهدوئها وخُلوّها من أي مشاكل بسبب الأمن. وأعقب ذلك زيارة وفد من الأونروا للمخيم، حيث قامت قوّات الأمن بأخذهم إلى منطقة ساحة الرمل بدلاً عن يافا لإخفاء آثار الحملة العسكريّة. ويُذكر أن مدرسة يوسف نداف في حي الرمل فيها الآن عشرات المعتقلين اليافعين. وقامت قوات الأسد بحملات مداهمة واعتقالات في حي قنينص وبستان الصيداوي وفي قرية سلمى حيث تم اعتقال أكثر من عشرين نازح فسطيني. ومع كلّ ذلك فقد خرجت مظاهرات في مشروع الصليبة والبيرقدار وبستان الصيداوي
وتعرّضت مدينة حمص اليوم لهجوم عسكري وقصف في معظم أحيائها مع انقطاع الكهرباء والاتصالات، حيث دخلت أكثر من 30 دبابة إلى المدينة واستهدفت الغوطة وباب السباع و باب عمرو والخالدية والإنشاءات والسلطانية وجوبر والحولة. وبحسب مصادر مطلعة فقد اجتيحت المدينة من قبل الفرقة 11 والفرقة 18 بالاشتراك مع الشبيحة وبعض المروحيّات المقاتلة للهجوم على كتيبة ضباط خالد بن الوليد
أمّا بالنسبة لدرعا، فقد حاصر الجيش إنخل وفرض فيها حظر تجول ووضع حواجز في كل الطرق الرئيسية. أما غباغب فما يزال المتظاهرون فيها يتعرّضون للاعتقالات العشوائية وإطلاق النار الكثيف
وقد شوهدت دبابات متمركزة في حلب عند حي الصاخور، وأخرى متّجهة إلى ديرالزور بعد الانسحاب الشكلي، والمزيد في حرستا بريف دمشق عند بناء إدارة المركبات. يبدو أن النظام سيستمر بالتصعيد -خصوصاً في دمشق وحلب- وفي محاولته لجرّ المتظاهرين إلى المقاومة المسلّحة. ولكن كل محاولاته باءت بالفشل حتى هذه اللحظة، بل وساعدت في عزله دوليّاً فقد سحبت سويسرا سفيرها من سورية من جديد. ويبدو أنَّ المزيد من الدول الأوروبية تعتزم سحب السفراء كذلك، حيث صرّح دبلوماسيّون أوروبّيّون أن الاتحاد يعد لعقوبات جديدة على سورية ستشمل القطاع النفطي، بالإضافة إلى 20 اسماً جديداً سيتم تجميد أرصدتهم ومنعهم من السفر إلى دول الاتحاد
وفي غضون ذلك، بدأت اجتماعات في اسطنبول لتدشين المجلس الوطني السوري للعمل ضد نظام الرئيس بشار الأسد ودعم الثورة. وقد أثنت العديد من الدول على اتِّحاد المعارضين وتحالفهم ضد الأسد. وقد شكّلت التنسيقيّات على الأرض أيضاً هيئة عامّة تجمعها وتنسّق بينها. على الأغلب سوف تظهر لجنة واحدة تنسّق معظم عمل المعارضة عما قريب
ردود الأفعال الدولية
الاتحاد الأوروبي يوسع عدد المسؤولين السوريين المشمولين بعقوباته، ويضع خططاً لفرض حظر نفطي
واشنطن تُثني على المعارضة عشية إطلاق مجلس وطني في اسطنبول
أنقرة تدعو إلى وقف القمع في سورية وتحجم عن المطالبة بتنحي الأسد
إحصائيات الثورة
ضحايا التظاهرات تجاوزت: 2,622
ضحايا التظاهرات من المدنييّن: 2,228
ضحايا التظاهرات من العسكرييّن: 394
المفقودون: 3,059
الممنوعون من السفر: 650
ضحايا التظاهرات الذين ماتوا تحت التعذيب: 53
المعتقلون حالياً حوالي: 15,000
اللاجئون السوريون منذ بداية الثورة: 12,577
اللاجئون السوريون في تركيا: 10,227
اللاجئون السوريون في لبنان: 2,300
Prepared by
Ausama Monajed and others
اليوم 159: السبت، 20آب/أغسطس 2011
قامت قناة الدنيا والسورية الإخبارية بزيارة حي الرمل الجنوبي لتصويرها بعد أن قام الأمن والشبيحة بتنظيف منطقة ساحة الرمل وتهجير أهلها من أجل زيارة متوقعة للأونروا. وقامت المحطات بتصوير المنطقة بعد تجميل الأمن لها وزراعة الورود فيها على أنّها العيّنة الأساسيّة في المخيّم. وأرغم الأمن بعض المارّين بإجراء مقابلات "عفوية" مع القنوات للتحدث عن أمان المنطقة وهدوئها وخُلوّها من أي مشاكل بسبب الأمن. وأعقب ذلك زيارة وفد من الأونروا للمخيم، حيث قامت قوّات الأمن بأخذهم إلى منطقة ساحة الرمل بدلاً عن يافا لإخفاء آثار الحملة العسكريّة. ويُذكر أن مدرسة يوسف نداف في حي الرمل فيها الآن عشرات المعتقلين اليافعين. وقامت قوات الأسد بحملات مداهمة واعتقالات في حي قنينص وبستان الصيداوي وفي قرية سلمى حيث تم اعتقال أكثر من عشرين نازح فسطيني. ومع كلّ ذلك فقد خرجت مظاهرات في مشروع الصليبة والبيرقدار وبستان الصيداوي
وتعرّضت مدينة حمص اليوم لهجوم عسكري وقصف في معظم أحيائها مع انقطاع الكهرباء والاتصالات، حيث دخلت أكثر من 30 دبابة إلى المدينة واستهدفت الغوطة وباب السباع و باب عمرو والخالدية والإنشاءات والسلطانية وجوبر والحولة. وبحسب مصادر مطلعة فقد اجتيحت المدينة من قبل الفرقة 11 والفرقة 18 بالاشتراك مع الشبيحة وبعض المروحيّات المقاتلة للهجوم على كتيبة ضباط خالد بن الوليد
أمّا بالنسبة لدرعا، فقد حاصر الجيش إنخل وفرض فيها حظر تجول ووضع حواجز في كل الطرق الرئيسية. أما غباغب فما يزال المتظاهرون فيها يتعرّضون للاعتقالات العشوائية وإطلاق النار الكثيف
وقد شوهدت دبابات متمركزة في حلب عند حي الصاخور، وأخرى متّجهة إلى ديرالزور بعد الانسحاب الشكلي، والمزيد في حرستا بريف دمشق عند بناء إدارة المركبات. يبدو أن النظام سيستمر بالتصعيد -خصوصاً في دمشق وحلب- وفي محاولته لجرّ المتظاهرين إلى المقاومة المسلّحة. ولكن كل محاولاته باءت بالفشل حتى هذه اللحظة، بل وساعدت في عزله دوليّاً فقد سحبت سويسرا سفيرها من سورية من جديد. ويبدو أنَّ المزيد من الدول الأوروبية تعتزم سحب السفراء كذلك، حيث صرّح دبلوماسيّون أوروبّيّون أن الاتحاد يعد لعقوبات جديدة على سورية ستشمل القطاع النفطي، بالإضافة إلى 20 اسماً جديداً سيتم تجميد أرصدتهم ومنعهم من السفر إلى دول الاتحاد
وفي غضون ذلك، بدأت اجتماعات في اسطنبول لتدشين المجلس الوطني السوري للعمل ضد نظام الرئيس بشار الأسد ودعم الثورة. وقد أثنت العديد من الدول على اتِّحاد المعارضين وتحالفهم ضد الأسد. وقد شكّلت التنسيقيّات على الأرض أيضاً هيئة عامّة تجمعها وتنسّق بينها. على الأغلب سوف تظهر لجنة واحدة تنسّق معظم عمل المعارضة عما قريب
ردود الأفعال الدولية
الاتحاد الأوروبي يوسع عدد المسؤولين السوريين المشمولين بعقوباته، ويضع خططاً لفرض حظر نفطي
واشنطن تُثني على المعارضة عشية إطلاق مجلس وطني في اسطنبول
أنقرة تدعو إلى وقف القمع في سورية وتحجم عن المطالبة بتنحي الأسد
إحصائيات الثورة
ضحايا التظاهرات تجاوزت: 2,622
ضحايا التظاهرات من المدنييّن: 2,228
ضحايا التظاهرات من العسكرييّن: 394
المفقودون: 3,059
الممنوعون من السفر: 650
ضحايا التظاهرات الذين ماتوا تحت التعذيب: 53
المعتقلون حالياً حوالي: 15,000
اللاجئون السوريون منذ بداية الثورة: 12,577
اللاجئون السوريون في تركيا: 10,227
اللاجئون السوريون في لبنان: 2,300
Prepared by
Ausama Monajed and others
Security Forces Plant Flowers in Raml Camp for Addounia TV and UNRWA
Syrian Revolution News Round-up
Day 159: Saturday, 20 Aug 2011
Day 159: Saturday, 20 Aug 2011
In Lattakia, Addounia and Syrian TV stations visited Raml Janubi today to film the "peacefulness" of the area after security forces cleaned the Raml Square area and relocated the locals in preparation for an UNRWA visit. The TV stations filmed the square after security forces scrubbed the blood off the streets and planted flowers to exhibit the area as a generic sample of camp’s alleys. Passersby were forced to stop for "spontaneous" interviews to talk about how peaceful and calm the neighborhood had become, thanks to the honorable security officers who came in and purged all terrorist elements. Following this, the UNRWA committee visited and was escorted by security officers to the same square that was filmed, even though the UNRWA desired to visit the torn apart Yafa area. It is noted that Yousef Bin Nadaf School in Raml still holds dozens of incarcerated teenagers and young men. Security forces have also launched a new house-to-house search and arrest campaign in Qnaines, Bustan Seidawi, and in the village of Salma where more than 20 Palestinian refugees were detained. In spite of all that repressive tactics, demonstrators still took to the streets in Sleibeh, Berqidar, and Bustan Seidawi.
The city of Homs underwent a military operation with heavy shelling and constant fire at most of its neighborhoods, accompanied by an outage of electricity and communications. More than 30 tanks invaded the city targeting Ghuta, Bab Sbaa, Bab Amr, Khaldiya, Inshaat, Sultaniya, Jobar, and Hoola. According to insiders, the city was invaded by divisions 11 and 18, with some security forces and offensive choppers, which were dispatched to eliminate the defected Khaled Bin Waleed battalion that took out some shabbiha checkpoints in Homs in the past two days.
As for Daraa, the town of Inkhel was besieged by security forces which imposed a curfew on all areas of the city after setting up roadblocks at all the main roads. As for Ghabagheb, the demonstrators are still suffering from live gunfire and random arrests.
Tanks were spotted in Aleppo at Sakhour with more seen heading towards Deir Azzour after the alleged withdrawal, and some were seen in Harasta in the suburb of Damascus by the Autos Administration building. It seems the Assad regime will continue intensifying its crackdown – particularly in Damascus and Aleppo – hoping it would drag the peaceful demonstrators into violent resistance. However, all of its attempts have failed thus far and have only managed to further isolate it internationally. This week, Switzerland withdrew its ambassador to Syria, and more European countries are expected to follow suit as European diplomats have declared that the Union is planning more sanctions against the Assad regime to include the oil sector and twenty regime figures.
In the meanwhile, an opposition meeting in Istanbul was initiated to launch the Syrian National Council that would support the revolution against the Assads; many countries praised the unity of the opposition figures. While on the inside, local committees formed a united general commission to coordinate their work on ground. Soon, one unified body will emerge representing all Syrian opposition from grassroots to figures.
Revolution Statistics
Syrians killed: 2,622
Civilian casualties: 2,228
Army casualties: 394
Missing: 3,059
Protestors killed under torture: 53
Protestors currently incarcerated: Around 15,000
Syrian refugees since the revolution: +12,577
Refugees in Turkey: 10,227
Refugees in Lebanon: 2,300
Prepared by
Ausama Monajed and others
The city of Homs underwent a military operation with heavy shelling and constant fire at most of its neighborhoods, accompanied by an outage of electricity and communications. More than 30 tanks invaded the city targeting Ghuta, Bab Sbaa, Bab Amr, Khaldiya, Inshaat, Sultaniya, Jobar, and Hoola. According to insiders, the city was invaded by divisions 11 and 18, with some security forces and offensive choppers, which were dispatched to eliminate the defected Khaled Bin Waleed battalion that took out some shabbiha checkpoints in Homs in the past two days.
As for Daraa, the town of Inkhel was besieged by security forces which imposed a curfew on all areas of the city after setting up roadblocks at all the main roads. As for Ghabagheb, the demonstrators are still suffering from live gunfire and random arrests.
Tanks were spotted in Aleppo at Sakhour with more seen heading towards Deir Azzour after the alleged withdrawal, and some were seen in Harasta in the suburb of Damascus by the Autos Administration building. It seems the Assad regime will continue intensifying its crackdown – particularly in Damascus and Aleppo – hoping it would drag the peaceful demonstrators into violent resistance. However, all of its attempts have failed thus far and have only managed to further isolate it internationally. This week, Switzerland withdrew its ambassador to Syria, and more European countries are expected to follow suit as European diplomats have declared that the Union is planning more sanctions against the Assad regime to include the oil sector and twenty regime figures.
In the meanwhile, an opposition meeting in Istanbul was initiated to launch the Syrian National Council that would support the revolution against the Assads; many countries praised the unity of the opposition figures. While on the inside, local committees formed a united general commission to coordinate their work on ground. Soon, one unified body will emerge representing all Syrian opposition from grassroots to figures.
Revolution Statistics
Syrians killed: 2,622
Civilian casualties: 2,228
Army casualties: 394
Missing: 3,059
Protestors killed under torture: 53
Protestors currently incarcerated: Around 15,000
Syrian refugees since the revolution: +12,577
Refugees in Turkey: 10,227
Refugees in Lebanon: 2,300
Prepared by
Ausama Monajed and others
Posted by الدكتور أحمد جمعة
التحولات الاستراتيجية في المواقف الدولية والإقليمية من سورية ليست عبثاً،
بالضرورة لا تُقرأ التحولات الاستراتيجية في المواقف الدولية والإقليمية من سورية عبثاً، فالأتراك يتحدثون اليوم بلغة غير مسبوقة، فيها تهديد ووعيد واضح لنظام الأسد، الذي نكث وعوده لوزير الخارجية التركي، وأحرجه أمام العالم.
الموقف الأردني، برغم محدودية دورنا في هذا الملف، يشير هو الآخر بأنّ الأمور وصلت إلى مرحلة "اللاعودة"، إذ إنّ تخلّي الدبلوماسية الأردنية عن "حيادها" وصمتها، وإرسال إشارات، ولو خجولة، إلى الجانب السوري، ما كان ليتم لولا أنّ عمان قد نفضت يديها تماماً من إمكانية "العودة إلى الوراء" مع النظام السوري، وتأكدت أننا أمام سيناريوهات جديدة تتطلب الخروج من "الحذر" في التعامل مع هذه الأزمة ومخرجاتها غير الواضحة.
قبل يوم واحد من التحول في الموقف الأردني، عبر اتصال رئيس الوزراء بنظيره السوري، كان مركز الدراسات الاستراتيجية في الجامعة الأردنية ينشر توصيات حلقة نقاشية مغلقة شارك فيها وزراء وسياسيون مخضرمون وخبراء أوصوا بتشكيل "فريق عمل" يدرس السيناريوهات المختلفة وفرضياتها ونتائجها المتوقعة على الأردن.
واتفق المشاركون على صعوبة اتخاذ "مواقف حاسمة" ضد أو مع النظام السوري، مراعاة لمصالح أردنية أمنية واستراتيجية حيوية مع سورية، وذهبوا إلى أن القرار العقلاني حالياً يتمثل بـ"الحياد" المعلن، مع فتح قنوات "خلفية" مع السوريين المعارضين لدراسة التوجهات والاتجاهات في الساحة السورية.
ما الذي حدث حتى تتزحزح الدبلوماسية الأردنية قليلاً عن حيادها؟ بالضرورة هنالك "متغيرات" أساسية حصلت، وفي مقدمتها تطور الموقف الإقليمي والدولي. وقد بدا ذلك واضحاً، من تزامن هذا "الموقف الجديد" مع التصعيد التركي من جهة، وضغوط الخليج من جهة ثانية، وقد سبقه تنسيق أردني تركي خليجي في الأسابيع الأخيرة.
ما حرّك الموقف الأردني، أيضاً، أنّ هنالك معطيات صدرت عن النظام السوري نفسه تشي بنواياه لتصدير أزمته السياسية والأمنية إلى الأردن، وتلقي عمان لرسائل غير ودية من النظام خلال الأيام الأخيرة.
حيثيات الموقف الدولي والإقليمي ليست مجّانية، فهنالك وقائع وتطورات في الشام نفسها تؤكّد أنّنا نتحدث، حالياً، بالفعل عن "مرحلة ما بعد الأسد". فالحسم العسكري البشع عبر القتل والإبادة وآلاف الاعتقالات والقتل المجاني لعابر السبيل حتى، هذا مؤشر نهاية النظام لا قوته وسطوته.
"العائلة" أيقنت تماماً أنّ "المياه لن تعود إلى مجاريها". وحتى لو قمعت المظاهرات والمسيرات والاعتصامات، فإنّ "اللعبة انتهت"، وانفض المجتمع عن النظام، والقلق الأكبر هو أن تذهب "العائلة" جرّاء صفقة بين العلويين والسنة، تمنح الطرفين ضمانات ورسائل "حسن نية".
حكم الأسد يحتضر؟ المؤشرات جميعها تؤكّد ذلك. مما دفع بالمجموعة الحاكمة إلى "السيناريو الأخير"، الأكثر خطورة، بعد حمامات الدماء التي سالت، وهو سيناريو "الدولة العلوية" على الساحل السوري، ما يفسّر هذا "الإجرام" غير المسبوق ضد سكان اللاذقية ومخيم الرمل، وإجبار الناس على الهجرة والخروج من منازلهم لإجبار الطائفة على الانحياز له، بعد أن يحقن المناخ العام بروح الانتقام والشك والحقد.
لا تفسير لتخلي النظام عن كل دعاياته السياسية، وتنكيله باللاجئين الفلسطينيين (الذين لم يدخلوا نهائياً على خط الأزمة) وإجباره الناس على الرحيل إلاّ أحد هدفين، الأول الدفع باتجاه "عسكرة الانتفاضة" لتبرير ما يقوم به، وهذا بات هدفاً بعيداً وغير واقعي، والثاني التمهيد للتقسيم الطائفي، على قاعدة "بيدي لا بيد أعدائي .
نقلا عن زهير السباعي
الموقف الأردني، برغم محدودية دورنا في هذا الملف، يشير هو الآخر بأنّ الأمور وصلت إلى مرحلة "اللاعودة"، إذ إنّ تخلّي الدبلوماسية الأردنية عن "حيادها" وصمتها، وإرسال إشارات، ولو خجولة، إلى الجانب السوري، ما كان ليتم لولا أنّ عمان قد نفضت يديها تماماً من إمكانية "العودة إلى الوراء" مع النظام السوري، وتأكدت أننا أمام سيناريوهات جديدة تتطلب الخروج من "الحذر" في التعامل مع هذه الأزمة ومخرجاتها غير الواضحة.
قبل يوم واحد من التحول في الموقف الأردني، عبر اتصال رئيس الوزراء بنظيره السوري، كان مركز الدراسات الاستراتيجية في الجامعة الأردنية ينشر توصيات حلقة نقاشية مغلقة شارك فيها وزراء وسياسيون مخضرمون وخبراء أوصوا بتشكيل "فريق عمل" يدرس السيناريوهات المختلفة وفرضياتها ونتائجها المتوقعة على الأردن.
واتفق المشاركون على صعوبة اتخاذ "مواقف حاسمة" ضد أو مع النظام السوري، مراعاة لمصالح أردنية أمنية واستراتيجية حيوية مع سورية، وذهبوا إلى أن القرار العقلاني حالياً يتمثل بـ"الحياد" المعلن، مع فتح قنوات "خلفية" مع السوريين المعارضين لدراسة التوجهات والاتجاهات في الساحة السورية.
ما الذي حدث حتى تتزحزح الدبلوماسية الأردنية قليلاً عن حيادها؟ بالضرورة هنالك "متغيرات" أساسية حصلت، وفي مقدمتها تطور الموقف الإقليمي والدولي. وقد بدا ذلك واضحاً، من تزامن هذا "الموقف الجديد" مع التصعيد التركي من جهة، وضغوط الخليج من جهة ثانية، وقد سبقه تنسيق أردني تركي خليجي في الأسابيع الأخيرة.
ما حرّك الموقف الأردني، أيضاً، أنّ هنالك معطيات صدرت عن النظام السوري نفسه تشي بنواياه لتصدير أزمته السياسية والأمنية إلى الأردن، وتلقي عمان لرسائل غير ودية من النظام خلال الأيام الأخيرة.
حيثيات الموقف الدولي والإقليمي ليست مجّانية، فهنالك وقائع وتطورات في الشام نفسها تؤكّد أنّنا نتحدث، حالياً، بالفعل عن "مرحلة ما بعد الأسد". فالحسم العسكري البشع عبر القتل والإبادة وآلاف الاعتقالات والقتل المجاني لعابر السبيل حتى، هذا مؤشر نهاية النظام لا قوته وسطوته.
"العائلة" أيقنت تماماً أنّ "المياه لن تعود إلى مجاريها". وحتى لو قمعت المظاهرات والمسيرات والاعتصامات، فإنّ "اللعبة انتهت"، وانفض المجتمع عن النظام، والقلق الأكبر هو أن تذهب "العائلة" جرّاء صفقة بين العلويين والسنة، تمنح الطرفين ضمانات ورسائل "حسن نية".
حكم الأسد يحتضر؟ المؤشرات جميعها تؤكّد ذلك. مما دفع بالمجموعة الحاكمة إلى "السيناريو الأخير"، الأكثر خطورة، بعد حمامات الدماء التي سالت، وهو سيناريو "الدولة العلوية" على الساحل السوري، ما يفسّر هذا "الإجرام" غير المسبوق ضد سكان اللاذقية ومخيم الرمل، وإجبار الناس على الهجرة والخروج من منازلهم لإجبار الطائفة على الانحياز له، بعد أن يحقن المناخ العام بروح الانتقام والشك والحقد.
لا تفسير لتخلي النظام عن كل دعاياته السياسية، وتنكيله باللاجئين الفلسطينيين (الذين لم يدخلوا نهائياً على خط الأزمة) وإجباره الناس على الرحيل إلاّ أحد هدفين، الأول الدفع باتجاه "عسكرة الانتفاضة" لتبرير ما يقوم به، وهذا بات هدفاً بعيداً وغير واقعي، والثاني التمهيد للتقسيم الطائفي، على قاعدة "بيدي لا بيد أعدائي .
نقلا عن زهير السباعي
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