
Archive for 8/7/11 - 8/14/11

Syria: Tank pointed out to the mosque as worshipers pray.

On Friday they decided to "do not bend." They went to the mosque to say prayers and then start their protests against the autocratic dictatorship in the country. Knowing that after the prayers the faithful would begin a march, the army parked a tank pointing to the exit of the Ali bin Ali Talib mosque in the city core. On the wall, following the contour of the arch, the soldiers wrote:

"Bow to the people to decide whether to give or not. If you are going to kneel or not."

By Saulo Valley - Rio de Janeiro, August 13, 2011 - 07:38.

The video below was purchased by the news network for 15 thousand Alarabya that shows how the security forces have acquired weapons and set a house in Hama to accuse the population.

According to the AFP at least 16 people were killed in yesterday, but in Hama, a doctor who divides his time with the human rights activist reported that the number killed in Hama has blinded the 1000 and expected to double when the count is completed.

As a way of preventing the demonstrations, the army has gone in search of the origins intimidate any form of concentration. In this Friday, "We will not kneel," all mosques were surrounded and attacked the protests. In Deir Azour one mosque was burned and the faithful were pressured to leave the temple by tanks and soldiers seeking to disperse them. Once concentrated in other areas, new shootings have started to silence the Syrian people, who are definitely willing to withdraw Bashar Al-Assad in power, whatever the cost!

Far away from mosques, walk the neighborhoods with more soldiers than residents. Hama is the case this morning:

The newspaper The New York Times talks about the recent statements of support from Iraq to Syria. This approach comes from a pact of cooperation and peace between Iran and Iraq, motivated by the support that Assad has given the residence of Prime Minister al-Maliki in power for a second term, still in investments that Syria has done in the country.

Still, the site said this week the president of the Iraqi parliament Osama al-Najafi, a Sunni, warned the Assad government to suppress the liberties of the Syrian people describing it as "unacceptable" use of violence to prevent protests.

Since the RTE website, respectable Russian agency, said Hillary Clinton "urged all countries to cut their political and economic ties with Syria."

Original Source in portuguese:

Crisis in Syria must be the priority to Concil of Security

The Security Council of the United Nations has done a lot of meetings with Council members to study a way to stop the persistent collective massacres of civilians by military forces and mercenaries hired by the Syrian government. In its latest effort to appeal to the diplomacy, the council sent a range of ambassadors and ministers of foreign affairs for talks with Assad in order to try to understand what really happens in the country and seek an end to bloodshed.

Incident recorded on July 3 this year.

By Saulo Valley - Rio de Janeiro, August 12, 2011 - 08:27.

The council has invested heavily in diplomatic relations for the situation in the country does not end in bloodshed even higher, despite the massacres and daily show is still growing, with reports ranging on average from 30 to over 100 children, women, students and workers killed per day.

The number of arbitrary arrests exceed the average number of 100 and there are days that reach 600. Most are released unharmed. Many others are released after torture in which they appear heavy with deep marks of mutilation. Many dead are returned to their families, with burn marks, bullets, mutilations, beatings, tortures, beheaded, and even missing pieces to the internal organs.

In response to the attempt at dialogue of the United Nations, Bashar Al-Assad gave impetus to diplomats before the massacre while talking softly keeps displaying a facial expression of a fully consolidated with the concern of the world.

What Dr. Bashar Ja'afari described as "hypocrisy" in the last informal press conference of the Security Council released the following video:

<object width="480" height="270"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="bgcolor" value="000000" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><param name="flashvars" value="file=stakeout/2011/so110810pm2.flv&image=" /><embed src="" width="480" height="270" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"/></object>

He described the situation with the following words: "They try to manipulate the truth to hide the important facts about elements of the situation occurring in Syria."

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

He accuses the armed gangs, thugs and terrorist groups and reports the death of 500 soldiers and police and security forces.

Scenes of vandalism:

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The questions we wanted to do but we know that there are no answers:

  1. If the country has suffered bitter violence generated by bandits and terrorists, because the only international aid is that it accepts from Iran? 
  2. Because he refuses help from neighboring countries, limits the access of ambassadors to the neighborhoods affected by the alleged terrorist violence, refusing international aid, access to the Red Cross and Red Crescent, UHNCR and news agencies accredited internationally?

Brazilian solution

On the day that organized crime has decided to occupy the Rio de Janeiro, Brazil agreed to the collaboration of the FBI and Swatter to train the security and intelligence teams and the bandits were killed, jailed or deported. Just visit a location where the UPP are installed to verify the change.

The force of the revolution

The Syrian protests began on 15 March this year, was scored when a group of at least 10 children and adolescents was arrested by the Secret Service and tortured to confess who had said that "people want to overthrow the regime", which had been spray-painted on a wall for them in Damascus.

After the tortures the Syrian government began their search of activists and opposition politicians on charges of "conspiracy". They were angry about the mistreatment of children and the arrests of 40 people who opposed the regime that was oppressing the people in their 48 years. Starting with "state of emergency" which opened about the same time that the new government took office.

On the same day that the state of emergency was lifted to initiate the massacre in the town of Dara where two mass graves were found with about 20 meters. 220 civilians killed in one day.

Original source:

Homs: 33 killed more than 30 children trapped and injured dozens of day 11/08/11

The sources are many and have multiplied since the number of civilians seeking to flee the destruction of calling for an end of genocide Syrian. Counting the dead is becoming increasingly impossible. Dozens and sometimes hundreds of them, are buried everywhere in towns isolated by blocking the military, where even the cemeteries, hospitals have not been accessible.

Statements Today there early evening them Homs
Cortesy -  abukasham1993 

By Saulo Valley - Rio de Janeiro, August 11, 2011 - 18:55.

While Assad ignored international warnings and even the subtleties of diplomacy, their tanks tearing the Syrian soil in search of protesters, as a devouring dragon. In response to the abnormal flow of diplomats to their country, Bashar Al-Assad warned that " not going to go after terrorists . "

In the regime declared war, the rebels have warned that there is no dialogue and not bow to the system. The Revolution of Syria presented a series of reports on this day throughout Syria. But the CCLS (Local Committees for Coordination of Syria ) described most of the deaths and injuries.

The revolution in Syria also presented the evening of Thursday a list of 61 names of prisoners today. They include doctors, lawyers and other intellectuals.

One Child Dead Today in Homs - courtesy:Syria2011freee 

But the days have been even more difficult after the world decided to press Assad. Arab news agencies say a new set of pressures and sanctions are to be presented these days. This time the Security Council of the United Nations will get better results.


A hacker attack attributed to the more dangerous and known group of attackers in the world that works with the moniker "Anonymous" had invaded the social network Facebook. The attack lasted about 12 hours. Just when it started a tidal wave of media surrounding the announcement that Facebook would destroy the group by 05 November this year. Information that has been denied (in part) by the news site " Earth . "

According to user information, including the present writer, several links no longer work, and functions of the chat rooms, and posts written in the "walls".

Yet been reported by other users lock and opening accounts. Modification of dates and logos.

According to sources, the attacks are linked to the revolution in Syria and Libya, when the invaders sought to remove information from users. (I realized I was losing control of the site, did the "logout" and then "login" with another browser, I changed the password and changed the security settings to only allow access from my computer, citing the name of my machine .)

I could not confirm the information that was passed many pages of revolutions had their titles made opaque.


In the confusion of the day was still possible to notice the presence of whom the Syrian government calling attention to themselves in the world seeking to convince the world press that the deaths are not true and that there are no protests. This is the case of a certain "history professor" in the last three months has sought to become clearly the center of world attention. I was personally on his Facebook page and found just friends pro-Assad, Gaddafi pro-and pro-Mubbarak. I asked him to explain his vision, but decided to wait for response after the large number of explicit information on their "wall."

Unfortunately, his arguments were weak and liars published by the respected Brazilian institution, the "National Endowment for the Democratization of Communication . " The adventurer who do not want to mention the name does not favor it said Syria had crossed freely during the months of June and found nothing
abnormal. Just a few little groups fighting among themselves ... Calling in other words, the revolution of a "big production". Addressing the thousands of Syrians who are dying and being imprisoned, tortured, crushed and squeezed by an iron hand of the Syrian regime.

He has attacked the respected agency "AFP" along with "the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights," seeking to discredit his quotes, ratings and information. These attacks clearly betray their origins, showing how a deal with corruption in the Arab world it is. To be sure, just search your name on facebook, but you will need to find following this link lie , because I refuse to mention this name in my posts.

Homs: 33 mortos mais 30 crianças presas e dezenas de feridos dia 11-08-11

As fontes locais são muitas e têm se multiplicado dado o número de civis que busca fugir da destruição  pedindo o fim do genocídio sírio. A contagem dos mortos vai ficando cada vez mais impossível. Dezenas de pessoas e as vezes centenas delas, são enterradas por todos os lados nas cidades isoladas pelo bloqueio militar, onde nem os cemitérios, nem os hospitais têm sido acessíveis.

Demonstrações hoje no início da noite em Homs - abukasham1993
Por Saulo Valley - Rio de Janeiro, 11 de Agosto de 2011 - 18h55min.

Enquanto Assad ignora os alertas internacionais e até mesmo a sutileza da diplomacia, seus tanques rasgam o solo sírio em busca de manifestantes, como um dragão devorador. Em resposta ao anormal fluxo de diplomatas ao seu país, Bashar Al-Assad avisa que "não vai deixar de perseguir os terroristas."

Em guerra declarada contra o regime, os rebeldes já avisaram que não há diálogo e que não se curvarão ao sistema. A Revolução da Síria apresentou uma série de relatórios sobre o dia de hoje em toda a síria. Já o CCLS ( Coordenação de Comitês Locais da Síria) descreveu grande parte das mortes e feridos.

Uma das crianças mortas hoje em Homs - cortesia Syria2011freee
Mas os dias têm sido ainda mais difíceis depois que o mundo decidiu pressionar Assad. Agências de notícias árabes que dizem que um novo pacote de pressões e sanções está para ser apresentado nestes dias. Desta vez o Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas vai buscar melhores resultados.

A revolução da Síria apresentou ainda no início da noite desta Quinta-feira uma lista com 61 nomes de presos hoje. Entre eles, doutores, advogado e outros intelectuais.

No Facebook

Um ataque hacker atribuído ao mais perigoso e conhecido grupo de invasores do mundo que atua com o apelido "Anonymous" teria invadido a rede social Facebook. O ataque durou cerca de 12 horas. Justamente quando se iniciou uma gigantesca onda de mídia em torno do anúncio de que o grupo destruiria o Facebook até 05 de Novembro deste ano. Informação que foi desmentida (em parte) pelo site de notícias "Terra".

De acordo com informações de usuários, inclusive este que vos escreve, vários links deixaram de funcionar, além de funções das salas de bate-papo, escritas e postagens nos "walls".

Ainda foi notificado por outros usuários o fechamento e a abertura de contas. Modificação de datas e de logos.

Segundo fontes, os ataques estão ligados às revoluções da Síria e da Líbia, quando os invasores buscavam retirar informações dos usuários. (eu percebi que estava perdendo o controle do site, fiz o "logout" e depois o "login" com outro browser, troquei a senha e mudei as configurações de segurança para só permitir o acesso do meu computador, citando o nome da minha máquina.)

Não pude confirmar a informação que foi passada que muitas páginas de revoluções tiveram seus títulos tornados opacos.


Na confusão do dia ainda foi possível notar a presença de interlocutores do governo sírio chamando a atenção do mundo para si mesmos em busca de convencer à imprensa mundial de que as mortes não são verdadeiras e que os protestos não existem. É o caso de um certo "professor de história" que nos últimos 3 meses tem buscado tornar-se claramente o centro das atenções do mundo. Fui pessoalmente em sua página no facebook e encontrei apenas amigos pró-Assad, pró-Gaddafi e pró-Mubbarak. Pedi que ele me explicasse sua visão, mas desisti de esperar pela resposta depois do grande número de informações explícitas em seu "wall".

Por infelicidade, seus argumentos fracos e mentirosos foram publicados pela respeitada instituição brasileira, a "Fundação Nacional pela Democratização da Comunicação". O aventureiro que não quero citar o nome pra não favorecê-lo disse ter cruzado a Síria livremente durante o mês de junho e não encontrou nada de
anormal. Apenas uns grupinhos brigando entre eles... Chamando em outras palavras, a revolução de uma "grande fabricação". Afrontando os milhares de sírios que estão morrendo e sendo presos, torturados, esmagados e espremidos por mão de ferro do regime sírio.

Ele tem atacado a respeitada agência "AFP" juntamente com o "Observatório Sírio para os Direitos Humanos", buscando desqualificar suas citações, avaliações e informações. Estes ataques denunciam claramente sua origem, mostrando o quão pactuado com a corrupção no mundo árabe ele é. Para ter certeza, basta procurar o seu nome no facebook, mas para descobrir você vai precisar seguir este link de mentiras, porque eu me recuso a citar este nome em minhas postagens.

Brazil: Declaration by the end of the massacre in Syria

Brazil: Declaration by the end of the massacre in Syria

Statement on behalf of the Brazilian people and the Government of Brazil and Syria.

Today, August 9, 2011 the Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs in Syria will be personally talking with the government to seek peaceful solution to the crisis.Below is our statement on behalf of the Brazilian people to national and international authorities.


On behalf of the Brazilian people and ask for an end to Syrian military operations in the country, gathering intelligence and auxiliary forces. The end of the siege, bombardment and massive daily massacres. The end of the cut in the supply of electricity, food, water and attack schools, universities, mosques and hospitals and health professionals.

We end the blockade on humanitarian aid and the destruction of public property and private sectors in the country. We end the raids on homes and random arrests and the torture and humiliation of children, women, youth, workers and the elderly.

We want an end to attacks on cemeteries, the end of the attack on peaceful funeral, the end of the persecution of political opponents of the regime and demonstrators revindicam their universal rights.

We want the immediate release of nearly 16 thousand prisoners of conscience, held under heavy and continuous physical and psychological torture. The location information of more than 1000 missing abducted by security forces since the protests began on 15 March

We demand the return of citizenship and the right to come and go. The end of the curfew. The end of the ban on direct communication by mobile terrestrial and satellite, internet and peaceful demonstrations.

We demand the expulsion of foreign mercenaries and reject any connection with foreign armed extremist groups in Syria.

We immediately access the international news agencies and authorities related to human rights, and health in Syria, among the organizations access to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent.
If there is some honesty and sincere desire to seek a democratic solution to the plight of Syria, at least these shortcomings need to be answered!

Wait and hope that the Brazilian Government to join the countries concerned to put an end to this infamous massacre and bring peace to the Syrian people have not seen for a long time.

By Saulo Valley - Rio de Janeiro, August 9, 2011 - 08:32.

Original source:

Syria: Deir-Azour: guns positioned in the mountains around, shoot without stopping.

Deir Azour with their structures are still weak after the last block, but yesterday the army returned to concentrate great power of mass destruction after causing almost irreversible damage in the city of Hama during the past week.

Snapshot cortesy: "DeirAlZorPN"
<iframe width="425" height="272" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

By Saulo Valley-Rio de Janeiro, August 7, 2011 - 07:25min.
Atualização: 11h55min.

The heavy bombardment since yesterday has left a large number of wounded and dead. But so far the Coordination Committee of Places of Syria has not sent an estimate of casualties. The cities that are under heavy bombardment and blockade, as Hama is absolutely difficult to send any notice, because no one is allowed to enter or exit.

It is reported by one of twitters reliable days of the revolution that dawned in Hama and the attacks resumed two hours and there had already killed seven protesters.

In Deir Azour for information News Network Al-Araby of a twitter that killed 30 arrived at the hospital site which has sought to assist a large number of wounded.The same source reported that the Gulf Council requested that the news about Syria are ignored!

How to ignore this information? When they say the city is being bombed can only imagine what terrible tanks are firing like crazy, but a reliable source in Syria have confirmed that Assad has spent about 8 million pounds a day on military operations, its investments in weapons more continues to grow heavy. The video below was recorded by brave informers who climbed the mountains that surround Deir-Azour this morning to show to the world, as Assad strikes the country:

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

An opposition political activist said the facebook even today the death of a child for two months at Deir Azour.

Homs: Hula The region is under heavy concentration on security forces and army tanks, random arrests and deaths. Among the dead is no specific information from various sources that several children were killed yesterday to 07.08 today. Al-Araby said the death of a child 13 years and another source of activists on facebook said a 10 and another six years was killed earlier today.

Actualization: 11h53min (Brasília clock) - 20 mártyrs confirmateds until now in Hula.

<iframe width="425" height="272" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This sad story continues ...

09:42: News has confirmed that Ambassador of Kuwait in Syria ended its activities in the country in protest against the ongoing massacre. Waiting for updates.

Source original in portuguese by Saulo Valley Blog :


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