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- Brazil: Human Rights Day Disarmament Seminar in Rio by UN-ALERJ
Posted by : Unknown
December 12, 2011
In honor of 73 years of the Universal Charter of Human Rights, the UN and Brazil Alerj (Legislative Assemblyof Rio de Janeiro) held on Monday 12.12.2011 at 10 am, the Seminar on Disarmament Arms Control andPrevention of Violence . Strong presence of the United Nations High Commissioner for Disarmament Affairs, Sergio Duarte.
Among the entities and government agencies represented, the Ministry of Justice, the Front Disarm Brazil,Viva Rio Institute, Instituto Sou da Paz and the Secretariat of Policies for Women.
Before the seminar started, the coordinator of the Disarmament of the NGO Viva Rio, Antonio RangelBandeira, spoke with reporters ahead and even more comprehensively the issues of most concern in the process of disarmament in the country. He noted that more than 80% of illegal weapons in the country todayare manufactured in Brazil and even that most munitions are of São Paulo, contrary to the old rhetoric ofweapons across the border, as the biggest obstacle for the control of weapons in the hands of illegaltrafficking, for example.
He also warned the issue of poor supervision of stores, citing as an example of weapons that the CPI in 2005 rose to 68% of weapons seized and sold illegally in the city of Rio de Janeiro, were acquired in justeight stores in the state of Rio 7 of them located in the Lowlands and 1 in Niteroi. Antonio Rangel warned that so far none of these stores have been inspected, even quoting the President of the CPI of Arms, theDeputy Marcelo Ash would have randomly visited some of these stores without a warning, so that "only foundirregularities." He praised the legislation governing the sale of weapons in the country, noting that the disarmament campaign is currently being replicated in eight countries in the world, but disapproved of the fact that it is very rarely applied in our country.
Antonio Rangel attributed this difficulty to the conflict of interests between the state and the manufacturersand sellers of weapons and ammunition, noting that they "showed no concern for public safety," making nodistinction between the buyers, "whether drug traffickers, whether a person has no ability to have a gun. "
He called on society as a whole supports the Ministry of Justice, and the Brazilian Army, "in the applicationand control of law." The Coordinator of the Disarmament of the NGO Viva Rio recalled that in 2003, 82% of voters supported the creation of the campaign and Disarmament "Our struggle today is that the law is enforced." In closing, also called for greater supervision of shops and private security companies, pointing out how these two great sources of diversion of weapons to the crime.
The event was basically divided into three thematic panels:
The opening ceremony was on account of Mr Paul Melo, president of Alerj, who later accidentally ended uppresiding over several tables. It also brought a word in the opening event, the Resident Coordinator of UN in Brazil, Jorge Chediak.
In his opening speech at the Seminar, Jorge Chediak recalled the tragic history of the event in WellingtonRealengo, which killed 12 children in the classroom. He noted that as this event had led the authorities toreflect on the problem of guns in society.
He attributed the so-called "arms" the real responsibility for mass destruction, not only in Brazil and around the world. Revealed that in Brazil, a staggering 400 people die each day by using these so-called arms, which can be considered a mass destruction, genocide. The UN Coordinator of Brazil Jorge Chediak, thecommemoration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, said that "the most universal human rights is the right to life." He said the presence of arms in the middle of society is an "obstacle to the full enjoyment ofhuman rights."
Mr. Sergio Queiroz - UN High Commissioner for Disarmament Affairs, after reading the status of UN armshighlighted a lack of unanimity among the members of that organization for manufacturing and trade in heavy weapons, nuclear weapons at leisure and definitely has order . Commissioner Sergio Queiroz noting that "the very existence of weapons of indiscriminate effects sow distrust between countries and can lead to, intentionally or not, the arms race and even war."
We'll still be bringing more highlights of the Seminar on Disarmament in upcoming issues, noting that thebrief update, there will be video recorded the event in the channel " / saulovalley."
Original source in portuguese:
Sr. Deputy Paulo Rangel, President da Alerj - Photo Saulo Valley |
By Saulo Valley - Rio de Janeiro, December 12, 2011 - 18:24.
Before the seminar started, the coordinator of the Disarmament of the NGO Viva Rio, Antonio RangelBandeira, spoke with reporters ahead and even more comprehensively the issues of most concern in the process of disarmament in the country. He noted that more than 80% of illegal weapons in the country todayare manufactured in Brazil and even that most munitions are of São Paulo, contrary to the old rhetoric ofweapons across the border, as the biggest obstacle for the control of weapons in the hands of illegaltrafficking, for example.
He also warned the issue of poor supervision of stores, citing as an example of weapons that the CPI in 2005 rose to 68% of weapons seized and sold illegally in the city of Rio de Janeiro, were acquired in justeight stores in the state of Rio 7 of them located in the Lowlands and 1 in Niteroi. Antonio Rangel warned that so far none of these stores have been inspected, even quoting the President of the CPI of Arms, theDeputy Marcelo Ash would have randomly visited some of these stores without a warning, so that "only foundirregularities." He praised the legislation governing the sale of weapons in the country, noting that the disarmament campaign is currently being replicated in eight countries in the world, but disapproved of the fact that it is very rarely applied in our country.
Sr. Antonio Rangel Bandeira "Viva Rio" - Photo: Saulo Valley |
Antonio Rangel attributed this difficulty to the conflict of interests between the state and the manufacturersand sellers of weapons and ammunition, noting that they "showed no concern for public safety," making nodistinction between the buyers, "whether drug traffickers, whether a person has no ability to have a gun. "
He called on society as a whole supports the Ministry of Justice, and the Brazilian Army, "in the applicationand control of law." The Coordinator of the Disarmament of the NGO Viva Rio recalled that in 2003, 82% of voters supported the creation of the campaign and Disarmament "Our struggle today is that the law is enforced." In closing, also called for greater supervision of shops and private security companies, pointing out how these two great sources of diversion of weapons to the crime.
The event was basically divided into three thematic panels:
- Arms Control in Latin America and the Caribbean: Progress and Challenges.
- Youth, Race / Ethnicity and Mortality.
- Gender, Race / Ethnicity and Armed Violence.
Sr. Jorge Chediak, ONU Brasil - Photo Saulo Valley |
In his opening speech at the Seminar, Jorge Chediak recalled the tragic history of the event in WellingtonRealengo, which killed 12 children in the classroom. He noted that as this event had led the authorities toreflect on the problem of guns in society.
Sr. Sergio Queiroz - UN High Commissioner for Disarmament Affairs Photo: Saulo Valley |
We'll still be bringing more highlights of the Seminar on Disarmament in upcoming issues, noting that thebrief update, there will be video recorded the event in the channel " / saulovalley."
Original source in portuguese: